
Isida Ingstrok

Can I help ye?

Could you tell us something about this town?

Ye keep hearing o’ pirates what have built a base on Sorrek isle.

Do you believe in a conspiracy of the Holberkians and the orcs?

Why, nay, that’s jes’ stupid blather! The people have nae had a thought tae spare about the Holberkians as long as they’ve been living here. Only now, with the orcs starting tae go tae war, they start thinking aboot the halfbreeds. - Wha’ else but malicient rumours can ye expect aboot some’ing they know naught aboot?

Do you know anything about the rat-catcher?

No’ much. He’s doon in the sewers fer days sometimes. The Gods know where all the rats are coming from.

Do you believe there are strange creatures in the sewers?

The guild are hiding doon there, an’ the ratter’s been coming back every time so far. So what’s all the blather aboot ferocious beasties?

What do you know about the guild then?

Aye, the beggars, murderers, an’ cut-throats o’ the city - they’ve always kept taegether if need be. Then Ui Chearghail arrived and taught the motley gang tae stand at attention. He can call it a guild, it’s still a robbing band o’ scum!

Do you know someone called Tarik?

The man’s fopping the lot o’ them! I’ll give ye ten tae one he’s with the guild, and ev’rybody believing he’s spying fer the guards!

Do you know something about Bosper Jarnug?

The judge? Well, ye hear things… - He has his leanings, ye know. - No’ just wenches, but lads, too…
I don’t rightly know. There’s a lot ye hear, and ye don’t know what tae believe!

Do have a nice day further, ye hear!

There’s customers tae attend. Have a nice day, now, ye hear!

Язык: English | Категория: Shadows over Riva Game Texts | Дата: 22.01.25 | Просмотров: 183 | Отзывов: 0

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