
Brand Garaldson

A vigorous old man opens the door and looks at you in surprise:

Eh? What could you want from old Brand? Well, come on in anyway, I get few enough visitors as is!

Ah, it’s you again! Come on in, sure, come in, I’ve got time enough. There’s not much to be done these days.And when you get to be my age it all isn’t quite so important anymore…

Is there anything special to know about Riva?

There certainly is! This used to be respectable area once, but now the blackpelts have made it their own -infiltrated it, that’s what they have done. You can’t walk the streets these days for half-breeds!

All the righteous citizens who used to live here have moved away. Only the instrument maker and the seeress have stayed beside me. - But we’ll show those blackpelts and their kin, they won’t be rid of us!

So, do you think the Holberkians could have had a hand in the orc uprising?

What a load of nonsense! It’s exactly the other way around: The orcs have ordered the Holberkians to infiltrate the town. Why do you think the blackpelts haven’t attacked Riva? ‘Cause they don’t need to! Their army is already here in town!

Do you know the rat-catcher?

No, I don’t bother with scum like that!

Do you think there’s monsters living in the sewers?

If there are any, it can’t be all that many. Even the most gruesome creatures need something to eat.

Can you tell us something about the guild and the tradesmaster?
Maybe you know Tarik?
What do you think of Bosper Jarnug?

The judge is a harsh man, but he has to be in this town! Since eveything’s going topsy-turvy in the valley -because of the orcs - Jarnug can’t even expect any help now, can he? The guild’s almost ruling Riva as is. But for the judge facing up to the thieving scum, this city would’ve gone to the dogs long ago.


Ah yes, young people, always busy, always on the run. Come and visit me again, if you ever have an hour to spare.

All that conversation has given me a right headache, now. Go on, leave me be. You can come back tomorrow if you’re in the mood for talking.

Язык: English | Категория: Shadows over Riva Game Texts | Дата: 22.01.25 | Просмотров: 184 | Отзывов: 0

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