
~ Disk Options

Save game under which name?

Do you really want to quit the game?

Do you really want to save the game?

Do you really want to delete “[Name]”?

Disk Options

Save Description

Generate New Save

Load Saved Game

Save Game

Game Save “[Name]” has been saved!

Return to Game in Progress

Delete Saved Game

Leave “Shadows Over Riva”

You have reached the maximum number of possible saved game sessions.
You will have to delete a previously saved game first.

Save file “” already exists!

Not enough space available on your hard disk!
You will have to delete a previously saved game first.

Converting old game files.

Cannot convert game file “[Name]”!
If this file is a valid “Realms of Arkania” save-game-file, please contact our support hotline at (315)-393-6644!

[Name] has been converted.

No save files available.

There are no characters in this party. Saving a game is impossible in this situation.

was converted, but there are no characters in the party.

This option is not available right now, I’m afraid!

Really load “[Name]”?

Save file “[Name]” already exists!

You cannot return to a fight from here!

Saved game descriptions can only be entered for
“Shadows Over Riva”
game saves!
You will have to import (load) the game first.

Which saved game do you want to load?

Couldn’t find the saved game.

You cannot overwrite the saved game “START.GAM”.

You can’t delete the saved game “START.GAM”.

Couldn’t open file “[Name]”.
Please remove the write protection flag of the file and try it again.

Couldn’t load file “[Name]” because the saved game is saved in another language.

Язык: English | Категория: Shadows over Riva Game Texts | Дата: 02.02.25 | Просмотров: 192 | Отзывов: 0

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