

Have you come from afar, then, noble gentlefolk?

Well, we’ve been in the Svellt valley quite a while before arriving here.
We spent the last several weeks with the elves east of Kvirasim.

Hah hah! You are widely travelled, then, noble gentlefolk! Have you ever seen the elven king dance in the pale moon light?

More like around the campfire, but the moon may have been out at times…

Lea’s glance is remarkably clear, when she glares at [NAME] with an evil expression. Yet the confused smile immediately returns to her features and her eyes glaze over.

After a short pause, [NAME] tells the old woman about the Salamander Stone, Star Trail, and your adventurous journey down the Svellt valley. You’re not sure just how much of it Lea understands, but she listens intently and with an open mouth. Near the end of your tale, she suddenly starts to hum softly and sway with the beat of an unheard melody.

With some amazement, [NAME] notices that you’ve already told the old woman more than everybody else you’ve met in this town taken together. [NAME] shoots suspicious glances at the beggaress, who just possibly might not be as simple-minded as she pretends to be. But her behavior neither confirms nor contradicts your suspicions.

Without paying any further notice to [NAME] words, Old Lea moves away, still caught in her strange trance and apparently unable to perceive mundane reality.
You watch the beggaress until she’s well out of sight, then you, too, walk away.

Язык: English | Категория: Shadows over Riva Game Texts | Дата: 02.02.25 | Просмотров: 198 | Отзывов: 0

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