
Idra Kormin

Yes? What do you want?

Please, tell us something about this town.

We bailiffs see there’s law and order! Everything’s fine in Riva. People will talk, but believe me, we’ve got everything under control.

How do you feel about the Holberkians?

I find it incomprehensible that braindead blackpelt scum is even allowed inside the city. But who cares, they’re more interested in taking care of rats then of the real problems.

We think the Holberkians may be allowed here in town to keep the orcs from attacking. How does that sound to you?

Oh, now that does sound interesting! Well, that would explain a lot…

Do you think the Holberkians could be behind the orc uprising?

I wouldn’t be surprised myself, if the whole town would be orc territory one morning, and no-one knew who’d opened the gates to them.

What about the rat-catcher?

Now if only the city corporation could get Dürbann to take care of the two-legged rats as well…

Do you believe there are horrid creatures prowling below ground?

If you’re referring to the guild, I’m certain of it. I just hope we’ll be able to deal with that scum soon.

Do you know anything about the guild and the tradesmaster?

That rabble ambushed the tax collector some weeks ago, and there’s talk the money they got found its way back to where the tax man had just collected it.

Do you know that fellow, Tarik?

Now there’s a crook for you. He may be ‘freelancing’ for the judge these days, but I still wouldn’t trust him out of my eyesight!

Can you tell us something about the judge then?

Sure. Bosper Jarnug steers a harsh course, and quite right, too. Just lately he had some black magicians thrown into the dungeons before they got a chance to do any harm.


The best!

Enough for today! The best!

Язык: English | Категория: Shadows over Riva Game Texts | Дата: 22.01.25 | Просмотров: 187 | Отзывов: 0

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