
Elaja Karbeck

Could you answer a few questions for us?

Certainly! What would you like to know?

Travia be with you! Have you found out anything yet?

We do still have a few questions…

Has anything unusual been happening in Riva lately?

The priests at the temple of Firun have a bit of trouble. The graveyard seems to be haunted.

I don’t know whether you’ve heard about the guild yet… I’m sure it would be quite a bit of help if you could make contact with it.

We’re not entirely convinced about that so-called conspiracy of the orcs and Holberkians.

I just couldn’t believe it myself. You’re taking the words right out of my mouth! But everybody’s talking about it, and there is evidence pointing that way. If only you could find out what’s really going on!

What do you know about the rat-catcher?

Xebbert Dürbann? There’s a lot of talk about him, but I don’t believe a word of it. The man is doing his job, and very well at that. He doesn’t harm anybody.

Have you heard about the monsters down in the sewers?

You hear a lot these days, but there are very few actual eye-witnesses, and I have grave doubts about them having been sober at the time.

Do you know anything about the pirates?

Nothing much, to be honest.

What do you know about the guild and the tradesmaster?

In the beginning, the guild was just a loose collection of thieves, cut-purses and other vagrants. But since the tradesmaster took over, it’s become very well organized.

Do you know a fellow called Tarik?

Yes. It’s said he’s working for the judge, but Tarik’s underworld contacts are far too good for him to have changed sides completely.

What can you tell us about Bosper Jarnug?

He was sick for a long time, and he’s been behaving very peculiar since his recovery. His sentences tend to be extremely harsh and based on precious little evidence. If he doesn’t look out, he might lose his office.

There are a lot of visitors to your temple…

Yes, all who are without food or shelter find what they need in the Goddess’ house. Riva is a large city, it has many needy inhabitants.

Travia protect you!

Now I must go look after my charges. - Travia protect you!

If you have any more questions…

Couldn’t you tell us a bit about this place?

Riva is a large town, but even so, living conditions have improved in the last few years. It’s been a long time since a homeless person starved to death or died of exposure.

Can you tell us some more about the Orcs?

There are only a few warriors with the orc tribes of the area. There are rumors that the blackpelts are gathering somewhere in preparation for an attack on the city.

What do you know about these Holberkians?

It is said they are the product of blackest magic … half elves, half orcs. No one knows where they came from, their origin lies shrouded in darkness - possibly the deepest darkness. - As I’ve mentioned before, many consider them the secret force behind the orc attacks!

Excuse me, but if I could answer all your questions, I wouldn’t be asking you for help!

I’m afraid I must take my leave now. The priests of the other temples will answer your questions if you mention that I’ve sent you.

Язык: English | Категория: Shadows over Riva Game Texts | Дата: 22.01.25 | Просмотров: 181 | Отзывов: 0

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