
Wolfman Lustbader

Hey, you don’t look like you need to go back to school to me! Hehehe!

Just shows you shouldn’t rely on first impressions, doesn’t it!

Nice day! Hehehe!

Does Riva have anything of interest to offer?

Why, sure she does, Riva’s a big city! Everybody finds something to his liking at the ‘Rapture’, for one. - Or you could go to the public baths, they got this cute blonde chick lately, straight from Thorwal. Boy, has she got talent… Hehehe!

The fellow holds up both hands at a respectable distance from his chest and gives you a dirty grin.

Do you believe in a conspiracy of the Holberkians and the Orcs?

I wouldn’t put anything past them. And they fit each other nicely, too: They’re both lazy, dirty, smelly, and closer to animals than to us humans, hehehe!

Do you know the rat-catcher?

Yes, I see him at the baths now and then. I was surprised at first. Used to think he likes filth, he way he’s crawling around in it down there every day. Hehehe.

What do you think of the gossip about monsters down in the sewers?

I think that’s all it is, gossip. If everything people say they’ve seen there was actually prowling the sewers, they’d be bursting at the seams, hehehe.

What do you know about the guild and the tradesmaster?

Only what I’ve heard! That tradesmaster is a sort of genius, I’d say. Up to now, everything he’s got involved with has been first rate - including his women - little joke there, hehehe!

Do you know that guy, Tarik?

Who doesn’t? But the best thing, if you want to know something about Tarik, is you put some Ducats in his hand, and ask him in person. If the price is right, Tarik won’t lie to you - joke, hehehe!

Know anything about Bosper Jarnug, the city judge?

Just by name, but there’s a lot of talk about him! - What a life! If he’s got his eye on someone, he gets the guards to pick her up. And you better be very nice to him, or you’ll rot in jail, hehehe!

How’s work in here?

Well, there’s worse jobs than being a janitor. But it’s Fernel who’s got the real plum one, giving evening classes for grown-ups. He’s got the odd cutey now and again, hehehe!

That’s really all I can tell you, hehehe!

Bye then, have fun, hehehe!

Well, I’ve got to keep working! Have fun now, hehehe!

Язык: English | Категория: Shadows over Riva Game Texts | Дата: 02.02.25 | Просмотров: 173 | Отзывов: 0

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