
Charinje Elmsjen

Oh, it’s you? Do come in!

Yes, what is it?

Oh, it’s you, is it? But do come in!

Is there anything of interest here in Riva we should know about?

The Holberkians are living not far from here. They’re said to be related to the orcs - could be true, too, judging from what they look like. The Holberkians live in a virtual ghetto, because most humans around there have moved to different parts of town, and their houses are empty.

Do you think the Holberkians could be behind the orc uprising?

Somebody has to be behind it, the orcs couldn’t possibly have developed and executed such a strategy on their own. The Holberkians have quite close contact with the orcs. Makes it fairly obvious they’ve made the orcs rise and attack us, doesn’t it now?!

Do you know the rat-catcher at all?

No, I haven’t met him yet.

Do you believe there are monsters living down in the sewers?

You keep hearing of people that are found dead in the morning- ripped apart bestially… No humans would do something like that to their victims!

Can you tell us something about the guild and the tradesmaster then?
Something’s up with the guild these days. It might have to do with those pirates, but, who knows?
Do you know a fellow, Tarik?


Can you tell us something about the judge?

The judge isn’t exactly known for showing mercy. And it’s said he likes to misuse his office to force people into pleasuring him.


Bye then!

I must get back to my work. Bye then!

Язык: English | Категория: Shadows over Riva Game Texts | Дата: 02.02.25 | Просмотров: 205 | Отзывов: 0

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