
~ Door

“No!” shouts [Name]. “Not that blasted door again! I don’t think we’ll ever get that to open!”

Well, you did a thorough job, I must say. You certainly showed that door!

“Oh great!” [Name] complains in a loud voice, while you get to work on the door.
“By the Nameless One, who had the glorious idea to shut that flippin’ door with a Claudibus? We’ll never get it open again!”

What are you going to do?

Bash it in

Pick the lock

Cast a Foramen

Cast a Claudibus

Despite his/her best efforts, [Name] is unable to pick the door lock.

That might be an option, if anyone were carrying lockpicks.

Who’ll be casting the Foramen at the door then?

[Name] casts a Foramen at the locked door, but the spell fails, so there’s no effect.

Yes, well. How about letting a character with at least some magical ability cast the spell instead?

[Name] rams the door with all the power $ can muster and is flung back. The door’s still shut, by the way.

Furious, [Name] hammers against the uncooperative door.

[Name] kicks the door in rage and breaks a toe in the process!

Mad with desperation, [Name] rams his/her head against the door, sustaining a large bump and several bruises.

Unfortunately you don’t have a key fitting the lock.

[Name] fails to shut the door with a Claudibus, more’s the pity!

While working on the door, something hits and wounds you.

[Name] manages, though with some effort, to cast a successful Claudibus at the door and magically lock it!

You fail to open the door.

You cannot close this door.

You cannot close this door as long as someone stays in the doorway.

“It will be pretty painful, if the door would shut right now”, [Name] says.

Do you want to close the door?

As long as someone stays in the doorway, you’d better leave the door open.

Язык: English | Категория: Shadows over Riva Game Texts | Дата: 09.02.25 | Просмотров: 177 | Отзывов: 0

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