
Inventory: Using Items

But you cannot use [NAME].

[NAME] cannot be used.

Unfortunately, [NAME] can no longer be used. All possible uses have already been applied.

On whom?

Expurgicum (from bronze flask, licorish, 2 shurin bulbs, and 2 mandrake roots)

Vomicum (from lamp oil, shurin bulb, and mandrake)

Antidote (from brandy, 2 menchals, mandrake, and shurin bulb)

Hylailian Fire (from 2 brandies, licorish, and 2 lamp oils)

an Elixir of Strength (from brandy, finage, mandrake, and 2 gulmond leaves)

an Elixir of Courage (from brandy, finage, mandrake, donf, and ilmen leaf)

a magic potion (from brandy, 2 mandrake roots, 2 kairans, and thonnys)

a healing potion (from brandy, 2 four-leafs, and a tarnele)

a strong healing potion (from bronze flask, 2 whirlweeds, tarnele, mandrake root,and brandy)

a sleeping potion (from wine, gulmond, and tarnele)

a strong magic potion (from brandy, 3 mandrake roots, 3 kairans, and thonnys)

Miasthmaticum (from brandy, kairan, ilmen leaf, shurin bulb, and mandrake)

a miracle cure (from brandy, 2 whirlweeds, donf, belmart, mandrake, and joruga)

With the help of this recipe, it should be easy enough to produce [NAME].

There is nothing exciting written on the document.

[NAME] has been poisoned.

[NAME] is not holding anything in the right hand that could be poisoned.

That can only be used in combat.

Magic currents seem to flow from the book.

[NAME] lights the lantern.

[NAME] doesn’t have any oil for the lantern.

[NAME] doesn’t have a tinderbox.

What item will [NAME] light?

[NAME] lights the torch.

Now, that is definitely inedible.

[NAME] has no item that could be lit.

Hmmm - that’s tasty!

Very refreshing indeed.

What a pity. It’s empty.

You can’t just eat that herb like that!

I strongly advise against putting poisonous weeds in your mouth.

Suddenly, [NAME] feels incredibly strong.

The four-leaf loneberry grants %d[N]Life [NAME][NAME].

[NAME] is mentally strengthened.

Suddenly, [NAME] moves much more sinuously than before.

The whirlweed grants %d[N]Life [NAME][NAME].

[NAME] [NAME] is raised by [N] points.

[NAME] [NAME] is decreased by [N] points.


The healing potion returns [N] Life [NAME] to [NAME].

[NAME] has hardly even swallowed the miracle cure when all complaints disappear.

This night, [NAME] is going to sleep like a baby.

After taking the magic potion, the Astral Points of [NAME] are raised by [N].

What a pity. That had no effect at all.

The strong magic potion regenerates all Astral Points of [NAME].

[NAME] is all right again.


Transcribe which piece of writing?


[NAME] has no scroll to transcribe the recipe to!

Copy what recipe?

View which recipe?

The recipe for [NAME] has been copied into the recipe book. Do you want to throwaway the original document?

But [NAME] doesn’t have any recipe!

[NAME] cannot be used with [NAME].

[NAME] doesn’t have any writing utensils!

Well, let’s see what you want to burn then.

I don’t think it would be a very bright idea to burn [NAME].

[NAME] goes up in smoke.

The silence is shattered when [NAME] is hit by the full force of the exploding Hylailian Fire.

Right now, [NAME] isn’t in a state to use anything.

Delicious, that healing potion…
What’s that now?
Suddenly, horrible pain lances through [NAME] body.

That four-leaf loneberry was off. It cost [N] Life Points.

“Special incidents in the month of Rahja:
During the night from 4th to 5th, Artherion should have been sent to Boron. Pity he escaped the flames. In any case we got rid of that prickear.”
“A travelling mage wanted to enter our town on the 9th. I gave him a proper welcome using my crossbow.”
“Yesterday, the 16th of the month, we admitted our 8th member.”
Though there are no other names mentioned, it’s clear from the notes, that Deregorn was the head of the Order of Anathema.

“Due to his or her efforts for the good of the town of Lowangen, the bearer of this document has been declared honorary citizen of this town.”
Signed: The Magistrate

The fire powder is too wet and too old to be of any use.

The book is written in a script quite unknown to you, but it is surrounded by a very harrowing aura.

The recipe book is empty!

[NAME] chews the gulmond leaves, but there is no effect!

Over whom do you want to pour this stuff?

[NAME] cries out in pain under the effect of the yellow acid splashes.

[NAME] is writhing in agony under the effect of the black lotus.

The bane dust covers [NAME] and lowers [NAME] Astral Points.

The bane dust covers [NAME], but without any Astral Points to lower, it has no effect.

The green mist of the miasthmaticum wafts all around [NAME].

“Be my guest and drink that poison if you absolutely want to - I certainly won’t!”


All right, [NAME] drinks the poison!


What do you want me to do with it?

Thanks to the tarnele, [NAME] is sure to sleep well tonight!

The thonnys blossom has no effect on [NAME].

The recipe book already contains this recipe!

Unfortunately, the antidote is not strong enough to cure [NAME].

[NAME] are poisoned now.

[NAME] has not been poisoned!

First choose an item!

There is only a single word written on the document:

[NAME] is out cold.

The vellum says: “Th rc scm s nw bsgng Lwngn Bt th hv vrlkd n xt Fnd t nd yll b bl t lv th bsgd twn f wr wtht hrm”

“Dehsil pmoc cayl isae ebl liwssec cusah tla etsdna erac eurth tiwtub. Et afruoylsa es dna, ecno tauo yts niaga sdraug eh tllanrut nac dnuo syras secen nuhcae. Llew seido brieht dnase vles meh tlort nocote vah lliw, tipsih tepa cseottna woh wyna. Ti awn inik namt snia gas cro foder taheh tsei lereht: Htpe dsreyalyna mfoti peno..” That is all you can decipher.

They seem to be magic ciphers.
These are obviously transformation instructions- and a picture shows heather.

In front of your aghast eyes, the animal turns into a young, slim, frighteningly gaunt man with chopped lips. He wears a dragon ring on his finger.

If he were a bit better nourished and somewhat cleaner, the description you got of Dragenfeld in Lowangen would fit him. The man opens his eyes for a moment before dropping off again into a deep feverish unconsciousness.

[NAME] doesn’t have a key ring.

Put which key on the key ring?

[NAME] doesn’t have a key to put on the ring.

That key is already on the key ring.

All available recipes have already been entered into the recipe book.

All the wheels come to a halt,
if your will aloud is called.
Ingerimm take the fiery light,
on our shift you’ll lead us right.
For the smith of smiths all,
we shall answer duty’s call.
Only His own hammer’s blow
will tell us when it’s time to go.

On the upper part of the vellum, someone has drawn some runes the likes of which none of you have ever seen. But below that is a script similar to New Arkanian.
Do you try deciphering that script?

The notes are written in a language quite close to Old Arkanian. There are a number of problems translating it, but after about half an hour, you have finally cracked it.

The symbols of the strange script appear familiar, but even so, you haven’t managed to turn them into anything resembling a useful sentence, even after half an hour of puzzling over them.

Take which key off the key ring?

[NAME] sharpens [NAME] blades and improves the condition of [NAME] weapons.

Grimacing [NAME] chokes down the badly smelling fluid and before long [NAME] feels a pleasant tingling inside the belly.

As [NAME] is not able to eat or drink by [him/her]self, [NAME] feeds [him/her].

[NAME] doesn’t know, what [he/she] should do with the heather.

The first vellum is covered with a regular ornament pattern.

The second one shows a set of clothes, consisting of jerkin, pants and boots. The jerkin is decorated with an ornament pattern.

On the third sheet the ornament is shown in more detail:
Two hammers crossed over an anvil.

The fourth parchment shows a picture: A smith teaching the arts of forging to a clumsy looking figure. There’s an anvil on the last vellum with a circle scribed on top. The flame of a lit torch, sitting at the bottom of the picture, points right inside the circle.

A money crapper (made from copper cauldron, charcoal, arch lump, basilisk tongue, crystal ball and fire powder)

That’s totally senseless until you have caught a swamp rantzy.


A miracle cure might do a lot, though not all of [NAME] pains are gone yet.

There seems to be something wrong with the heather.
Nothing happens!

“I have to live from something too!” the Vinsalter protests. “If you want to get a translation, then visit me again after this thing with Dragan’s over.”

The [NAME] of [NAME] has already been magically enhanced and cannot be increased any further!

Язык: English | Категория: Star Trail Game Texts | Дата: 22.01.25 | Просмотров: 191 | Отзывов: 0

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