

Without warning, you hear loud, raucous laughter from many coarse throats rise up somewhere to the right of your current position. Do you

* stealthily creep closer and check,

* walk on,

* or simply march towards the noise?

A group of armed men is sitting in a circle, talking loudly about the tactical problems involved when pursuing someone across the mountains.

A number of times during the conversation, someone mentions the name of Sudran Alatzer as their patron.

But the things that are probably of the most interest to you are the following: They can’t cordon off the whole mountain range and you’re the people they are looking for!

Do you

* launch a surprise attack on them

* or use this opportunity to put some distance between yourselves and your pursuers?

[NAME] comes back and announces that your pursuers are lying in wait around the next corner! Is there no escaping those idiots…? Oh, well, what do you do now?

* Try to avoid them and turn back

* or fight?

Язык: English | Категория: Star Trail Game Texts | Дата: 22.01.25 | Просмотров: 178 | Отзывов: 0

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