
~ Finsterkoppen Mine 6

Do you want to

“No way,” protests [NAME]. “It’s bad enough having to take a bath once a month, butthat is definitely too much. - I am not going in there under any circumstances!Just forget it!”

Checking the water temperature, [NAME] jumps back and states that this is definitelynot the time to take a bath. Told you so.

[NAME] takes a deep breath and dives straight down to the bottom of the basin. Itis quite dark down there, and [NAME] can’t see anything out of the ordinary.

[NAME] takes a deep breath and dives straight down to the bottom of the basin. Itis quite dark down there, and… suddenly, [NAME] feels something soft between [NAME]hands.

Reacting immediately, [NAME] grabs for it, but it slips away.

[NAME] immediately grabs for it, but without any luck. On the contrary, somethingelse grabs hold of [NAME]! [NAME] starts kicking and thrashing. [NAME] is half dead fromdrowning when [NAME] finally manages to get free.
Exhausted and gasping, [NAME] cowersat the edge of the stairs and stares down into the water, shaking all over.

Within seconds, you’re all out of the water!

Hastily, [NAME] grabs for it, gets a hold of something, pulls it back to the surface- and stares angrily at the half-full waterskin in [NAME] hand. Pointedly, [NAME] opensthe waterskin and pours it out.
It takes quite a while until [NAME] notices thatthe waterskin shows absolutely no indication of emptying!
Do you want [NAME] to packthe magic waterskin?

The slab is so big, you probably won’t be able to shift it even with a concertedeffort. Do you want to give it a try anyway?

You strain with all your might, but the stone slab simply won’t shift.

try lifting the stone slab again?

or would you rather try a crowbar?

“It’s no use!” [NAME] states. “We need some sort of tool for this job!”

Using the crowbar, it’s no trouble at all levering the slab out by the handholds.Underneath, you find a stairway leading further down.

[NAME] takes the opportunity to wash the soot from [NAME] clothes and give [NAME] face athorough scrub, too.

So [NAME] isn’t in the condition to swim at the moment, you leave [NAME] behind at thetop of the bassin.

So some of you aren’t in the condition to swim at the moment, you leave thembehind at the top of the bassin.



The stairway ends in front of a solid stone wall. You won’t get through here!

Язык: English | Категория: Star Trail Game Texts | Дата: 22.01.25 | Просмотров: 150 | Отзывов: 0

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