
Options: Brothel

Brothel Options

* Have Fun

* Stay the Night

* Leave the Brothel

“If you would like a bit of fun, come on in, my friends. Mind you, the fun isn’t for free: [N] Ducats per person, but that includes a cozy night’s stay!”

“Who could refuse an offer like that?!”

“Leave it be. We just took a wrong turn is all.”

“You lost? Get lost before I forget myself!” the Madam screams at you.

You spend an amusing hour or so at the brothel before you return to the more serious side of life.

You spend an exciting night cavorting at the brothel. Tomorrow will be soon enough to deal with more serious subjects!

“Ah, so that’s the name of your game!” The exaggerated smile of the Madam does not bode well for you, especially considering your lack of cash! Just minutes later, you find yourselves picking street dust from your mouths, and the bouncers who threw you out watch you with a sneer!

You leave the establishment well satisfied, though relieved of some [N] cash.

Язык: English | Категория: Star Trail Game Texts | Дата: 22.01.25 | Просмотров: 209 | Отзывов: 0

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