
~ Final

You see a lot of gardening tools on the shelves.
Do you want to take some alongas improvised weapons?

[NAME] finds a bronze key inside an old boot!

You see a lot of gardening tools lying on the shelves.

The water of the well appears to be fresh.
Do you want to fill your water skins?

There are a lot of food items stored here, such as flour, peas and things likethat. However, they all need to be cooked first, before they can be eaten. Still,the stores seem at least to be sufficient for a lot of people…

There are no tools left on the table, but you notice water rims as well as fireand acid burns.

There are lots of pitchers and containers standing around, all of them empty.

Hold it! There’s a bunch of dried whirlweed behind one of the larger pitchers.
Doyou want to take it?

This bed is definitely in use!

On the table, there are some dice and a few small coins.

There are some papers, apparently something in the way of a duty roster, anda charcoal pencil on the table.

After examining the wall in front of you closely, [NAME] notices something and actuallymanages to locate a hidden switch that, when flipped, opens a passage.

There’s a big pile of bones in front of you, and they’re not just animal bones.All of them have been gnawed very clean.

This bed appears somehow uncared for and just plain dirty!

You find a fishing hook under one of the pillows.
Do you want to take it?

While searching the bed, you come across a fine otterskin hidden underneath themattress.
Do you want to take it with you?

Hello! Among all the documents here, [NAME] actually finds a recipe for a sleepingpotion!
Do you want to take it along?

[NAME] notices some irregularities on the wall and is fairly certain to have founda secret door, but is unfortunately unable to actually open it.

After going over the seams and notches on the wall, [NAME] finds a keyhole, but unfortunately,you are not carrying a key that fits.

After some fingering of the seams and notches on the wall, [NAME] finds a keyhole,and after some futile attempts to fit one of your keys into the lock, one ofthem turns and the door opens.

[NAME] investigates the wall, and after a short search, actually finds a large lockthat requires a key shaped like a sun.

[NAME] investigates the wall, and after a short search locates a large lock thatrequires a key shaped like a sun.
“Here, the amulets!” [NAME] cries excitedly, pullsthem together and assembles them into a sunshaped key that actually fits rightinto the lock. Shortly afterward, a narrow passage opens up in front of you!

[NAME] has located a secret door, but you seem unable to find the opening mechanism!
Doyou want to go on looking for it?

The longer you search for it, the surer [NAME] gets that [NAME] made a mistake. Disappointed,you eventually give up looking.

After a further search, [NAME] finally stumbles over the opening mechanism, and witha loud rumbling noise, a passage opens up in the wall in front of you.

This statue is relatively simple in style, but even so, there can be no doubtit is meant to represent the God Without Name!

A sculptural masterpiece to be honestly admired for its art, even though it depictsthe dark God Without Name.

This statue appears to be representing some sort of demon.

You find a monograph, written by an acolyte, which considers in meticulous detailthe weakening of the faith in the Twelve Divines to be expected as a result ofthe Orc Wars. The terrifying thing about this is that the author of this workappears to be very much in favor of this development…

This is an ordinary desk.

This piece of “art” depicts how some demented mind might imagine the processof demonic procreation.

The well seems to be bottomless. You throw in a stone, but there’s absolutelyno sound of it hitting anything to be heard. What’s even worse, there are tracesof blood at the rim of the well.

When you touch the statue, a sonorous voice can be heard.
“Tell me the name ofthe lord of these walls, and I shall reveal my secret!”

This statue quite obviously represents the God Without Name, same as all theothers in here, but looking very closely, [NAME] notices a minute carved “[NAME]” betweenthe eyes of the statue.

“Correct. That is the name of the lord… and he already awaits you!” the voicesneers. From somewhere not too far away, you hear a heavy, scuffling sound approaching!

“A pox on you, unbelievers!” the voice cries out at such a volume that the wordsecho through the chamber almost endlessly. Suddenly, you notice something movingbehind you!

When you examine the column closer, [NAME] finds a secret compartment in which youfind a magic helmet and a very peculiar looking claw.
“A dragon claw!” [NAME] exclaimsnervously. “What in the names of the Twelve have we gotten ourselves into now…”

“Yes!” [NAME] agrees somewhat embarassed and examines the claw extensively.
“DracoDraconis, and none too small, either. About 500[N]years old and…big!”

“Praios protect us!” [NAME] stammers, and [NAME] tries deperately to vanish into theshadows along the walls. Cold sweat is running down [NAME] forehead in rivulets and[NAME] is stiff from fright and unable to move.
What are you going to do?

Beat [NAME] senseless and drag [NAME] along?

Coax [NAME] on by sympathetic words?

Calm [NAME] down by a Meekness spell?

Leave [NAME] behind?

After a short scuffle, you manage to convince [NAME] to walk on. Phew!

Who’s going to cast the Meekness spell?

[NAME] overcomes the terror and leaves the shadows! Well done!

[NAME] is adamant and vehemently refuses to go even one step further.

That’ll be a bit difficult. Last time I looked, [NAME] wasn’t a spell user.

With heavy hearts, you leave [NAME] behind in the shadows of the dungeon, hopingagainst all odds to see [NAME] back someday!

Who’s going to talk to [NAME]?

All right, don’t! See if I care!

[NAME] has managed to convince [NAME] through soothing words of the importance of thisenterprise.

Soothing words or none, [NAME] won’t be talked into going any further. Quite theopposite, actually, [NAME] gets into more and more of a panic.

Talk as much as you like, [NAME] won’t be convinced to continue any further. On thecontrary, [NAME] becomes ever more panicky and finally starts swinging at [NAME].

Infuriated by this display of ignorance, [NAME] returns the blows and lands quitea hit right on [NAME] chin.

“Hello,” [NAME] calls out with pleasant surprise and turns to the wall in front ofyou. “A combination lock!”
Indeed, [NAME] finds a lock hidden beneath a narrow ledge.
Whatcipher combination will you turn the lock to?

After you set the lock to your chosen number, you hear a heavy, rasping noisefrom beside your position, like stone rubbing against stone.

You hear a sneering, disembodied laughter echoing through the entire dome.

You hear a sneering, disembodied laughter echoing through the entire dome. Ashort time later, you are addressed directly by a voice seemingly coming fromnowhere.
“Make use of the board, Prem Flounder faces!”

“Oh, great,” [NAME] suddenly complains. “We’ve checked that out before. What’s thematter with you? Have you gone blind or what?”

“Just as I thought!” [NAME] calls out joyfully, as [NAME] fingers the desk.
“There’sa secret compartment… and I can get it to open!”

“Ouch!” [NAME] cries out. A hidden poisoned needle jabs [NAME] wrist. Fortunately, thepoison seems to be so ancient that it has lost most of its potency and can’tdo any great harm.

Within the secret compartment, there is a dusty vial of healing potion.
Do youtake it?

“Boron!” [NAME] abruptly cries and stares at the rest of you with wide open eyes.“This place has become spooky! Haven’t you noticed? No…I’m not staying here!”In a blind panic, [NAME] storms up the stairs you only came down, disappears fromsight and runs away. Soon, you can’t even hear the steps racing away anymore.

The skeleton freezes in the middle of its movement, and a piece of metal fallsfrom its bony fingers to the floor right in front of your feet. Then, the skeletoncollapses and doesn’t move anymore. Guardedly, you pick up the piece of metal.

Suddenly, you hear a chain rattling loudly behind you, and when you look overyour shoulders, you see a heavy iron gate whizzing down, blocking your way.

When you pass the spot where the gate used to be just moments before, it comesrattling down again.

Your way is blocked by a solid iron gate. Now what do you do?
Do you

Push it up?

Pick the lock mechanism?

Cast a Foramen spell?

You can’t see exactly how the gate is locked.

That spell only works on locks; the problem here is there’s no lock to be seenanywhere on the gate.

The gate doesn’t move, not an inch. There must be some kind of locking mechanisminvolved that keeps it down.

You actually manage to push the gate back up until you can hear it catch somewhereup in the ceiling.

[NAME] takes a look at the ornament, but doesn’t notice anything.

[NAME] has the distinct feeling something is amiss with the depicted death’s head,but can’t tell you what exactly is wrong with it.

Even a closer examination doesn’t produce anything noteworthy.

[NAME] notices the death head is watching [NAME] with strangely empty, deep eye sockets,and when [NAME] passes a hand across them, [NAME] notices that it’s more than just aneffect, they are actual deep holes.

Do you want to try and feel around in the ornamental eye sockets with a fingeror two?

What do you know, [NAME] actually discovers a small hook that can be moved. Aftera short pull on it, you hear something clicking in the ceiling above the gate.But the gate hasn’t moved, so [NAME] tries the same trick with the deaths head onthe other side. Again, you hear the click above the gate, and again, that’s allthere is.

You want to pull on the hooks again?

Once again, [NAME] puts a finger each into the eye sockets, and once again, there’sa clicking noise from above the gate when [NAME] pulls on the hooks in there.

Who’s going to try it?

When [NAME] pulls [NAME] fingers from the skulls, the hooks snap back.

On frisking your opponents, you find a piece of vellum, which you take along.

The madman living in this cellar actually has a small tree standing here in apot!
But what’s even stranger than that is the tree itself, because it has noleaves but thorns and spines!

Do you want to examine that strange tree closer?

[NAME] got pricked by one of the thorns! Immediately, a tired feeling spreads through[NAME] entire body. But at least [NAME] managed to see a key glittering inside the pot,well hidden from a casual observer underneath all those thorns.

Do you want to try and get that key?

So, who’ll be risking his or her skin then?

[NAME], too, can’t get at the key without being stung!
Nevertheless, [NAME] manages tograb the key and hold on to it when jerking [NAME] hand back.

With a tremendous display of skillful movement, [NAME] manages to take the key andpull it out from the pot without touching a single one of the tree’s thorns.Bravo!

When you examine the wall and pull on one of the branches, you hear a strange,grating noise coming from inside the wall.

When you examine the wall, you notice a branch that can be pulled out a bit,but when you do, nothing seems to happen.

When you pull on one of the branches on this wall, you hear the wall behind youmove.
You turn around to look, and lo and behold, it is gone.

You hear a loud bang from the spot where the section of wall disappeared before.

When you approach that section of the wall, it disappears, making a grating sortof sound in the process.

You step in front of a big blue disk hanging on the wall. It shimmers with ametallic hue, and when you touch it, it makes a clattering noise. How about hittingit a really hard blow just to see what’ll happen?

There’s a very subdued, soft sound. Strange, isn’t it? Do you want to examinethat disk closer?

You combine your efforts in checking the disk out, but you find nothing particularlynoteworthy. It is firmly attached to the wall, cannot be moved and there doesn’tseem to be anything worthwhile behind it either.

There’s an ear-splitting crash that must have caught the attention of just aboutevery living thing anywhere in the immediate and not-so-immediate vicinity. Goodshow!

There’s an absolutely ear-splitting noise, but once it has died down, total silencereturns.

Without warning, a gigantic Troll, who until just then was sitting on a chesthe is chained to with a metal chain as thick as a human arm, stands up in frontof you.
[NAME] curiosity is stronger than [NAME] fear of this powerful opponent, and[NAME] slowly moves closer.
Thus provoked, the Troll pulls at the chain with rabidfury, and one of the links, rusted through, breaks!

“Are you prepared to make Hesinde a permanent offering of Astral Energy?” Yousuddenly hear a female voice, apparently from the mouth of the statue. (We aretalking a permanent loss of 4 Astral Points here.)

Who will step forward to make the sacrifice (the number gives the current amountof Astral Points available)?

“Are you prepared to make Hesinde a permanent offering of Life Energy?”. Yousuddenly hear a female voice, apparently from the mouth of the statue. (We aretalking about a permanent loss of 7 Life Points here.)

“Worms! You dare to defy the Goddess of Wisdom!
It is upon your heads!”
[NAME] collapsesscreaming in front of the statue.
“Let that be a lesson to you!”

[NAME] feels the mental power leave [NAME] body, resulting in a distinct feeling of exhaustion.On the other hand, [NAME] has the impression of having gained a better understandingof one particular spell.

[NAME] feels the power leave [NAME] body. But at the same time, [NAME] feels part of Hesinde’swisdom increasing [NAME] own knowledge.

The water that once flowed in this fountain is now frozen and has turned intolong icicles. Lying inside the basin, you can see a flaming red key.
There isa huge block of ice standing behind it with a warrior woman’s body visible insideit.
Do you want to touch the ice?

The fountain is spouting water in several small jets, but there is nothing particularlyremarkable about it otherwise.

The fountain is spouting water in several small jets. Down in the basin, yousee a fiery red key.
Do you want to get it out and take it with you?

When [NAME] gingerly touches the ice, [NAME] notices it isn’t cold at all. [NAME] hand, though,is starting to freeze. Already, [NAME] can hardly move it.
Hurriedly, [NAME] pulls [NAME]hand back.

With a soft moan, the warrioress regains consciousness:
“My heartfelt thanks,friends, for freeing me from my prison of many moons. A disciple of Him Withouta Name captured me here inside that block of ice with a foul miracle. ThoughI do not know what has led you here into these fearful walls, if you have usefor me, I shall be glad to accompany you and prove my gratefulness for your rescuenot just in words, but in deed.”
Do you want to welcome the warrioress into yourparty?

“You worms are not worthy of Hesinde’s aid!”
You suddenly hear a female voice,apparently from within the statue.

Do you want to go back up inside the house?

From the shadows of the dimly lit room, three mishappen forms emerge and slowlyshamble toward you.
[NAME] cries; the sheer ugliness of the Ghouls andthe smell of death surrounding them scares [NAME] so much that [NAME] flees in a panic.

You manage to open the door, but now the key appears to be stuck inside the lockand cannot be removed.

You already emptied those wardrobes, remember?

“Hey, that’s no wall,” [NAME] remarks suddenly; “It’s all just an illusion.”

There’s a big black statue standing in an alcove in front of you.
Inside a compartment,it contains a small statuette, a precise copy of the big one.
Do you want totake the statuette?

That statuette appears to actually suck the darkness into its sphere and to shedlight this way. But after a while the sphere seems to be filled and the lightness,produced this way, slowly fades away.

When [NAME] tries it, the hooks snap back, and [NAME] can only just pull [NAME] fingers backout of the eye sockets before they are squashed.

Where the door was before, you can now see two small holes near the floor oppositeeach other.

Good show! Somehow you have managed to stumble right into a trap. Suddenly crossbowbolts start whizzing through the air from all directions, hitting and woundingevery single one of you. Of course, you’re much too plastered to actually notewhere exactly they came from!

“Now what?” [NAME] demands. Abruptly, commotion spreads through your party. You areroughly cast aside and then a fellow appears out of thin air in front of you.Completely covered with a scintilating, violet-hued aura, he just stands there,laughing uproariously, and holds up the Salamander Stone!
“No!” [NAME] cries andrifles through [NAME] backpack, looking in vain for the stone. “That goat face hasturned himself invisible and pinched our stone!”

Slowly, as if he were levitating, the man moves away and sneers:
“You shouldhave brought the Salamander Stone to Lowangen, but you had to pursue your owngoals. And even though I am impressed you made it this far at all, I think yourjourney will end here. You see, it would be against our interests for Elves andDwarves to ally; also, my master wishes for this stone…”
With these words,he simply disappears through the wall!

Clear thing.
Inside this eerie walls [NAME] would only encumber you.
So you leave[NAME] here.

Язык: English | Категория: Star Trail Game Texts | Дата: 22.01.25 | Просмотров: 165 | Отзывов: 0

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