“No!” [NAME] cries in exasperation. “Not that door again! We’ll never get that blasted thing open!”
Good work, if I say so myself. You really made short order of that door!
“That’s great!” [NAME] moans loudly as you begin work on the door.
“Who the Nameless One had the brilliant idea to shut that damned door with a Claudibus? Now we’ll never be able to open it up again!”
Now, what are you going to do?
Knock it down by force
Pick the lock
Cast Foramen
Cast Claudibus
Despite the most determined efforts, [NAME] fails to pick the lock of this door.
Pity you haven’t any lockpicks on you.
Who will cast a Foramen on the door?
[NAME] casts Foramen on the locked door, but the spell fails and has absolutely no effect.
Yes, well, it would help if you were to pick a character with some magic ability.
[NAME] rams the door with full force. Whammmmm! Nice sound effect, but that’s it, I’m afraid. The door is singularly unimpressed and stays locked!
Furious, [NAME] hammers on the insurmountable door.
Furious with rage, [NAME] kicks the door with a loud curse. Those curses get even louder afterwards. That kick broke a toe!
In desperation, [NAME] hammers on the door with [NAME] head and has a large bump and several bruises to show for it afterwards.
Pity you carry no key fitting the lock.
[NAME] fails in attempting to lock the door with a Claudibus spell.
Something hits and injures you, when you start working at the door.
[NAME] manages to lock the door by casting a claudibus, though having some trouble with it.
You don’t succeed in opening the door.