
Bear Cub

You see a young bear playing on a lush meadow. There is no sign of its motheranywhere. Do you want to

* enrich your food supplies with some fresh bear meat,

* capture the bear pup and sell it to a jester in the next town, or

* leave the young bear to its games and travel on?

With one blow of the fist, [NAME] manages to bring the animal down.

[NAME] actually manages to capture the animal after a while, but as [NAME] has no experience in capturing bears, the young bear bites [NAME] hand and runs away.

Like I always say: Traveling alone is just too dangerous.

Abruptly, a giant female bear is standing before you. She is rearing up and staring down at you with angry, bloodshot eyes. With a height of almost three paces, she is an especially large specimen. Do you

get the heck away

or face the enraged animal and attack?

You run as fast as you can, but the bear gets closer and closer. [NAME] is desperately gasping for breath. [NAME] armor is slowing [NAME] down, I guess, and [NAME] is falling back. No doubt, the bear will have caught up with [NAME] soon. Do you

* keep on running regardless

* or decide to turn around and fight?

You keep running as fast as you possibly can. From behind you, you hear [NAME] terrifying death screams.
You just run on and on… until you can run no more.
Fortunately,the bear was satisfied with rending a single victim. You even find [NAME] body where it happened, crushed and ripped to shreds.

[NAME] loses %d life points.

Still, the gods are with you, and you manage to best the beast.

You haven’t had a chance to take up positions, and the bear has already taken [NAME] down with a single paw swipe. All things considered, would you rather

* make tracks after all

* or stay and fight it out.

You run away as fast a your legs can carry you, but the bear does not seem topursue you. Apparently, one victim is enough for her.
Mind you, [NAME] is definitely gone.

Your attacks draw the bear away from [NAME]. A savage fight between you and the animalensues.

[NAME] is already feeling the bear’s hot breath on [NAME] neck, when the cries of the bear pup sound from afar.
Immediately, the mother bear stops, listens in thedirection of the cries and hurries away to her pup.

You reach [NAME] at the same time the bear does, and a savage fight ensues.

When you turn around to the bear, you see her taking [NAME] down with one swipe ofher massive paw. [NAME] lies on the ground and isn’t moving. There is no turningback now. You throw yourselves into a savage attack on the giant animal.

A savage fight ensues…

All of a sudden, in the middle of the fighting, the anxious cries of the bear pup can be heard and its worried mother immediately leaves you alone.

Язык: English | Категория: Star Trail Game Texts | Дата: 22.01.25 | Просмотров: 169 | Отзывов: 0

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