
Options: Tavern

Tavern Options

Leave the tavern

Talk to someone

Use a skill

Buy a round

Change places

Where do you want to sit?

Far away from here!

At the bar

At a free table

At an occupied table

A sign at the door says “Open daily from 11 a.m. to 3 a.m.!”.

There is a sign next to the door. It says “Opening hours 4 p.m. to 3 a.m.”.

“Get lost!” [NAME] chases you out of the tavern with a heavy stick.

“Sorry, folks”, [NAME] says while [NAME]’s wiping the bar in front of you.
“It’s quitelate. I have to close up now, and anyway… there is another day tomorrow.” Friendlybut firm, [NAME] shoves you out the door and locks up behind you.

You take a seat at the bar.

You sit down at a free table.

After a polite inquiry on whether it is allowed, you take a seat at a table alreadyoccupied by someone else.

You stay at the bar.

You sit down at a different free table.

After asking politely whether you are welcome there, you sit down at anotheralready occupied table.

Who of your party is going to use a skill?

“Drinks on me for everybody!!” [NAME] calls out toward the bar.

Immediately, the other guests perk up.
“Hey, haven’t you heard! The strangersthere are buying drinks for us!” someone cries. [NAME] hurries away and gesturesto the waitress, who starts filling one tankard after the other with foamingbrew.
“That’ll be %d[N]silver crowns”, [NAME] says finally.

“We don’t serve Dwarves here!”

“Oh! That much? Hmm… you better make it just 1[N]stout after all.”

“Don’t worry, here’s your money.”

“… and another one for yourself!”

“Thank you! I always appreciate a well-paying customer like you!”.
[NAME] pocketsthe money, raises a tankard and calls out:
“Hiphip-hurray to the noble donors!”The other customers join in with his praise.
People around you give you all friendlyslaps on the back and raise their tankards to your health.

“Well, I never! Announcing a round of drinks for everybody like a real bigshotand then turning back on their word!”
Suddenly, the whole tavern falls silent.Everybody’s attention is focused on you. The grim faces all around you are anythingbut reassuring.
Do you

Leave the tavern as quickly as possible?

Try to talk your way out of it?

Pay up after all?

“Get the welshers!” someone cries.
“Now you’re in for it, you lousy creeps!”you hear someone cry from a different corner. Some of the guests try to blockyour way, but you’re fast enough to get out with no more than a few jabs andpunches.

Words appear singularly unhelpful in this situation! Slowly, but surely, thesituation inside the tavern turns nasty. Some customers are rolling up theirsleeves, while others are already coming over cursing and foaming at the mouthwith rage. You just manage to escape outside through a furious hail of blows.

“That’s more like it!” one of the other customers surrounding you says. [NAME] pocketsthe money.
“Down the hatch!” [NAME] breaks the silence in the room. The others reluctantlyraise their tankards to drink to your health.
“Cheers to the donors!” someonecr ies, and slowly, the other customers chime in.

“We have all your hearts desire!
For a measly %d[N]crowns, all of you will be ableto still your hunger here”, [NAME] says with a smile.
“How about it? Won’t you giveit a try?”

You dine on a truly excellent menu.

You can’t really call the meal you get a feast fit for noblemen, but you haveto admit, it was good and filling.

The meal is somewhat flat, but…
Wait a minute! You’re certain none of you askedfor a side order of spider legs with their potatoes! Is that supposed to be somekind of a joke? And this place won’t win any prize for the size of their meatservings either!

“What do you know”, [NAME] states with a broad and dangerous grin.
“Bill dodgers!In my tavern!”
Before you know what is happening, the other customers have alreadydeposited you out on the street and none too gently.
“Don’t show your faces aroundhere again!” [NAME] warns you, tapping his palm with a stout stick.

“Won’t you come in and have a seat, gentle folk?” [NAME] asks you with a friendlysmile.

“Do you intend to shade the door from the harsh sun for long?” - Presumably,[NAME] is trying to tell you that you have been blocking the doorway for some minutesnow!

“Get in or bug off!” [NAME] snaps at you.

This doesn’t seem to be one of the higher class establishments around…

“What can I offer you?” [NAME] asks.

“What’ll it be?” [NAME] asks.

“What do you want?” [NAME] asks.

1 stout, please!

Some food!

Drinks for everybody!

“Right away!” [NAME] says, and goes to the bar to get your beer.

[NAME] appears to be angry: “If you don’t want to eat or drink, you’ve no businesshere!” he says, and before you can say “How’s your father?”, you’re back outon the street.

“This here’s a tavern, not a market place!”, [NAME] states very quietly. Some stoutfellows stand up and push you out the door without another word.

“Get lost, Prem flounder faces!” [NAME] bawls you out! Loudly grunting and cheering,some of the customers come running to teach you how to fly - if only from thedoorway to the curb.

As if on cue, the murmur of the crowd filling the tavern grow louder. “Orc spies!”someone cries out in the back, and already the first customers are running towardyou in a blind rage. Fortunately for you, [NAME] saw it coming and draws you towardthe exit. Thanks to that, you can escape to the street with only slight damage!

Some of the other customers are starting to talk and whisper behind your backs.Maybe you shouldn’t change seats so often and so conspicuously!

On changing to another table, you receive some peculiar looks. Obviously, yourfrequent moves from one table to another have drawn attention to you.

“Boy, you are out of it!” [NAME] laughs and steers you politely, but firmly, outthe door.

Do you want

1 tankard of stout

a carafe of wine

something to eat

[NAME] brings a heavy wine of excellent taste.

“I’m very sorry, folks”, [NAME] says.
“But it’s late, and I have to close shop. Butdon’t let it get you down. Tomorrow’s another day.”
You pay your tab of [NAME] andleave.

“It’s time, people”, [NAME] says.
“I’m sorry, but I’ve got to close down now. Buttomorrow is another day, and you’ll be welcome again.”
When you get up to payyour tab, you find that you haven’t enough money on you. [NAME]

“But you’re absolutely soused!” [NAME] chuckles and pushes you gently, but quitefirmly, out of the tavern, relieving you of the money for your tab, [NAME], firstof course.

“You’re showing the effects all right”, laughs [NAME], but gets quite serious mightyfast when you find that you didn’t just have one more than you can stand, butone more than you can pay for as well. [NAME]

[NAME] bids you a friendly farewell and a safe journey home when you pay your tab,[NAME], and leave.

When you get up to pay your tab, you notice that you haven’t brought enough cash.“Well, well”, [NAME] says and looks you over with a threatening grin.
“Swindlers!In my tavern of all places!” [NAME]

When you leave the tavern, [NAME] bids you a safe journey home.

Lovely Meadow

Peraine’s Table

Svellt Thaler

Night and Day

Second Home

Red Earth


Hammer and Anvil

Hammer and Anvil

Hammer and Anvil

Little Fox Den

At the Canal

Salamander Stone

Orc Death

Dark Eye

Last Hour

Water and Wine


The Dagger and the Sword

Pile o’Gold

At the Duck’s Beak

Wide World


Bridge Guard

Red Lotus


[NAME] seems to have had at least one too many!

There’s nobody sitting at this table but you!

Apparently, the other customers at your table are not interested in talking toyou. At least all your attempts to start a conversation fall on deaf ears.

A party of travelers enters the tavern. One of them, the leader by all appearances,takes a quick look around and then approaches your table. “May we sit down herewith you?” he asks politely.

“But certainly, sit right down!”

“There are enough empty tables around!”

“That’s grand, thank you!” the man says. Moments later, the whole party is sittingaround your table.

“Well, I cannot argue with that!” the man states with a somewhat sour expressionand steers toward the next table.

“I is mo-re wise than Rohal. Budd not todday. Cheers!”

“Praios… sees everything! Turn… with faithful trust… to HIM!”

“Hey, have you heard that one: I saw this Dwarf yesterday who had to break ina donkey cause he had lost a bet - not the donkey, you understand, but the dwarf.So he puts up this ladder, climbs up, then he jumps down - that’s the Dwarf now- GRABS the tail - that’s the donkey’s - and just up and dies without anotherword. B-beastly t-tragedy th-that!”

“Praishe Praiosh for ashking ME abou that, my shon. Caushe I’m the ONLY ONE -hushhhhh! - the only one, you hear? I’m the only one who knowsh for a fact thatthere ISH no anshwer to it!”

“By the fields of Alvelan! You bettel ask me something easiel - bulp!”

“By Rashtullah’s Beard, now THAT is an innereshing queshion! Thasha sort of queshionI’ve always been waidin’ for, yeshir!! What l-luck! Tha’ calls for a ceLEBRASHION,yeshir!!”

“Hold on there, sportsfriend! Do you see, what I’m seeing? B-by all the woodnymphs: T-tree he goes…!” (Crash.)

“Do not lead me unscrupulously lead me into temptation to forsake my trusty winegoblet and dry my mouth out talking in order to satisfy your curiosity!”

“Y-you ask me that ag-again, when you… can stand up st-straight!”

“Boy, you iss more troubke than a REVEnant!”

“Thash shomething my grandfasher on me mosher’s shide didn’t know! But shustbecaushe it’s SHOE: shoe go ashk my grandfasher on me fasher’s shide! (…) Noh,don’ do shat: it’sh too late already!”

“WHA…? Kin you all talk a bit LOUDER? I don’ understand nothing if youse keepmumblin’ like that!”

“N-no c-comment!”

“Just among oos choir girls ‘ere: soom peopke stink worse than those Oarcs!”

“An’ right away, I ish delvin’ inno my brainsh and shearchin’ for a answer…an’ - I don’t find none. Tha’sh so, so - depreshin’! Can’t you gie’ me some solashe?”

“He came on no camel, he saw, and he posed a question. And I’m already there,I see my cup, and I answer not - HUP!”

“What we ish doin’ now ish, we let the Bornbear danshe, and what we ish not doin’now ish, we don’t babble on like shome rhet-, rheto-, hup, rhetorishians!”

“Hehehe! ‘Sorry, I’m not, I’m not laughing about you! It’s just, someone justtold me that sto-story about a Dwa-Dwarf who had to - huhuhu - BREAK IN - hohohoho!- this ASS, HAHAHAHAHAA!!!” (Gasp.) “Help, I can’t… I can’t breathe…!”

“No… no problem!!!!! None… none at all. Just a ques… a question of qua…of quali… of a reliable source of infor… information.”

“Right away, pal! But let me ask you this ques… question in return: wh-whenwas the last time you have eaten Shelemer Shudderbread?”

“I’m sorry, but I cannot offer you anything to eat. I’d be delighted to serveyou some watered down wine, though.”

[NAME] brings a watered down wine that doesn’t taste all that bad at all.

the landlord

the landlady

the tavernkeeper

the tavernkeeperess



Just seconds later, you’re on your bellies in the filth of the street, and theother customers take turns spitting on you!

“We do not serve alcohol here. You can choose from tea, milk or water”, [NAME] sayswith a friendly smile.

1 cup of milk

A pot of tea

A pitcher of water

“Right away!” [NAME] says and goes to the bar to get your milk.

Some minutes later, [NAME] returns with a big pot of hot tea.

[NAME] puts a large pitcher of water in front of you.

You sate your hunger with a truly delicious meal.

The milk tastes a bit sour, and the same goes for the food, but…
Wait a minute!What’s that? Gross, hairy spider legs in between the potatoes! Is that some kindof practical joke? And the portions of meat aren’t anything to smile about, either!

“Oops! This kind of money?
Well… you better make it just 1[N]milk then.”

A well known figure pokes his head in, discovers you and vanishes outside immediatelywithout having taken a single step into the tavern. That was Gavron, wasn’t he?!

After him!!

You don’t care about this curious incident.

The whole thing costed you too much time: You can’t see a bit of Gavron all aroundany more!

%d stouts, please!

“Right away!” [NAME] says, and goes to the bar to get your beers.

%d tankards of stout

“Oh! That much? Hmm… you better make it just %d[N]stouts after all.”

“Oops! This kind of money?
Well… you better make it just %d[N]cups of milk then.”

%d cups of milk

Язык: English | Категория: Star Trail Game Texts | Дата: 02.02.25 | Просмотров: 194 | Отзывов: 0

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