
~ Finsterkoppen Mine 5

Do you want to

throw something down the hole

or rappel down?

Who will throw something down the hole?

And what will [NAME] throw?

You hear a gurgling and hissing from the hole. The room’s heating up as well.Red-hot lava is moving up the shaft.

get out while you still can,

or stay and wait?

That was close! Behind you, lumps of fiery lava fly through the room.

Without any further warning, the fiery maw starts spewing flaming lumps of lava.You have no time left to run. The burning stones burn every one of you quiteseriously.

Nothing happens.

The further down [NAME] rappels, the hotter it gets. The walls of the shaft are madeof volcanic ore. As the rope won’t reach any further, [NAME] turns around and startsclimbing up toward you again.

Suddenly, you find yourself face to face with six figures in worn-out leatherarmor who begin to attack you.

[NAME] takes a more thorough look at the wheel, then looks around the vicinity, andfinally casts [NAME] eyes around the entire room without being able to find anythingthe wheel might be connected to…
Do you want to give the wheel a twirl?

At first, nothing at all happens, but after some turns of the wheel, you heara creaking sound. [NAME] continues turning the wheel until it can’t be moved anyfurther. You don’t notice any change anywhere in the whole room, but there’sa soft gurgling sound audible far away.

Despite [NAME] best efforts, [NAME] is unable to turn the wheel back!

When [NAME] touches the wall, there’s a strong tingling sensation in [NAME] hands. Afterthat, the strange fur is gone. Only a white powder remains that rubs off easily.

Do you want to torch the stuff?

When you hold the torch to the wall, the flame dies.

Apparently, the wall is covered with a thin fur. My guess is that this fur isthe origin of those peculiar light effects.

When [NAME] tries to take a closer look at the wall, [NAME] slips on the damp floor andinstinctively steadies [NAME]self on the wall.

Part of the fur clings to [NAME] fingers. They are now gleaming in the same colorsas the wall and are rapidly cooling.

Do you want to clean the hands?

The fur is stubborn and won’t wash off. By the way, while [NAME] finds the condition[NAME] hands are in none too pleasant, there is no pain associated with it.

A thick layer of salt has developed where the two layers meet.

The stuff seems to be quite tough. You have to hold the torch in one spot forquite a while to see a result. When you do, the wall first turns a dark blue,then black. But then things go a lot faster than you would like them to: theblack spot grows ever larger, and the furry wall covering starts to give offa biting smoke that covers the entire room within very short time. You can -cough - hardly breathe.

Part of the fur clings to [NAME] fingers. They are now gleaming in the same colorsas the wall.

When you take a closer look at the statues, they suddenly come to life. Beforeyou’ve had time to come to grips with this sudden development, the four Gargoylesattack.

Using what torch, pray tell?

[NAME] takes this opportunity to get rid of all the soot on [NAME] clothes, and alsoto give [NAME] face a thorough scrub.

Язык: English | Категория: Star Trail Game Texts | Дата: 22.01.25 | Просмотров: 150 | Отзывов: 0

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