

“Star Trail? I knew something about that once. Lessee… I might be able to rememberit again if I had another beer like this one…”

“Hey, tavernkeeper! Another large one for this gentleman over here!”

“No way, talk first. Then we’ll drink!”

“All right, forget it.”

“Yes, well, Star Trail…
That thing had a lot to do with ole Phex, pardon theword. At least, that’s the word going around these parts. You know, you’re notthe only ones who’ve gone searching for it…”

“I’d really like to know why they all turn up here. I mean, I’ve never clappedeyes on that little beauty. Of course, those Phexians don’t exactly parade theirloot around the streets; not that I blame them.”

“I mean, I MEAN, it’s not all the result of honest to goodness commercial transactions,is it? Now me, I knew this fellow once. He had a gold candleholder at home, areally big piece with the long arms and lots of flowers all over it and stuff.He was really attached to it, too, ‘cause it was an inheritance from his mother.I mean, that thing could have won a prize for its hideousness, honestly, butthere’s no accounting for taste, is there? Now, this candleholder…”

“…all right, all right. Do you think I could get another…?
Thanks a lot.Now, where was I?
Ah yes, Star Trail.”

“Anyway, even though nobody here in Tiefhusen has got so much as a glimpse ofthe thing yet, every so often people turn up looking for it. I’m just wonderingwhy here of all places? I mean, this is a nice place, but you don’t go lookingfor any treasure is a sleepy little town such as this.”

“Of course, you hear the most amazing tales sometimes. Now there was this peasantsomewhere up in Bornland, for instance, who dreamed there was a treasure in themarket square of Festum one day. And… yep, he came from this small village,now what was its name again…”

“Yes, all right, I hear you. The Gods, all this talking really dries out yourthroat… thanks, thanks, that’s mighty kind.”

“Now, anyway, there’s no treasures here in Tiefhusen, but then, we’re right atthe edge of the Orcish Lands here, or no… I guess I’d have to say inside theOrcish Lands now. Bleedin’ Orcs, shtinking blackpelts, fershlugginer…”

“Well, I mean, that axe is supposed to have come from the Orcish Lands. Tha’sa really good story I heard about, too, you know; they talk of who’ cities fullof shome Elvish Orcs or something there and then right in the middle of it isthis jumpin’ Oak tree, an’…”

“Eh, what? Hey, that’s a great story. And great stories like that always makeme go really… thanks, thanks. Actually, I was going to say excited. But I ge’thirsty from them, as well, tha’s quite true.”

“But thash’s why they always come here, the people I mean. But it ishn’t here,the axe. I could only shurmise that the folk at the temple know some more aboutit. The Phexemp.. oops… Phex temple, I mean.”

“But yer won’t be able to just walk upo those folk, now. You’ll have to ask theole Hensger firsht in how to do that. That’s down by the river there, a dirtyold fellow wi’ red hair. But I wouldn’t go there myself. He’s a really mean cushtomer.A number of folks have turned up fashe down in the river after seeing him, notthat you heard that from me. I’ve been talking too much already anyways…”

“I think I better go home now. Doya think I might hold onto your hand to gettupthere, just like that? Thanks, might kind. Farewell, and take care… of yourshelves.”

“What about Star Trail then?”

“Come on, we’re leaving. Let that guy milk someone else.”

“I’m sure that’s a very exciting story, but you were telling us about Star Trail?”

“That’s done it. If you want to get drunk, kindly pay for it yourself, fellow.”

“Yes, we know the story. But where is it now, old man?”

“Gods, now it gets boring as well. That’s about all I can take. This is useless.Let’s go.”

There’s a redhaired fellow lying on the meadow with a blade of grass in his mouth.It could make for a really romantic scene if it weren’t for the man’s deviousface, his mouth almost devoid of teeth and the impressive collection of daggerstelling quite a different story…

“You’re looking for me.”

“How do you know that?”

“So what.”

“Quite right: we need your help.”

“You wouldn’t be here otherwise.” His grin is disgusting. “It’s too dangerous.”

“Dangerous? Are you-puny peasant-trying to threaten us?”

“What do you know about Star Trail?”

“Well, we better leave then.”

“I’m the mysterious stranger here; kindly refrain from comments like that. They’lljust push the price up.”

“Why, sure. By the way, that makes for a hefty surcharge.”

“How much?”

“You’re a blowhard.”

“All right then, mysterious stranger: what do you know about Star Trail?”

“We’ll pay! What do you know about Star Trail?”

“Well, it’s not that urgent.”

“We haven’t come here to play games! Either you help us or things will get veryuncomfortable!”

“Don’t get above yourselves, folks. This here’s my territory, and I call thetune.”

“I very much doubt you’ll be able to find someone else who could help you…”

“That very much depends on what exactly you want.”

“Ooh! That is not a subject to discuss here and now, girls. But I might be ableto take you to the right place for it.”

“All right, forget it.”

“You are nothing but a loud-mouthed annoyance.”

“OK, OK. Listen, what do you know about Star Trail?”

“Fine, let’s play by your rules then. We are looking for Star Trail.”

“That, my dear heroes, you shall have reason to regret. We will meet again.”

“Don’t say anything. Let me guess: That’ll make for another surcharge, right?”

“How much?”

“Yeah, you’d like that, wouldn’t you. But we have no intention of letting youlead us into some dark alley and stab us to death. Good day.”

“Let’s say, all in all, it’ll be %d ducats. No haggling. Are we agreed?”

“Oh, you haven’t got that much? All right: tomorrow, at sunrise, right here.Get the money.”

Hensger takes your money, counts it in his own time and then says
“We’ll meetback here at sunrise. See you then.”

The town is just waking up, when your business partner leads you through thestreets and alleys. He must be taking a very roundabout way, as you couldn’tpossibly walk this far in any one direction and still be inside a town as smallas this. Finally, he reaches a cellar door he opens through a whole series ofquick movements.
“Go on in ahead. I have to bolt the door again from the inside,”he whispers.
Do you

go in?

put up an argument?

Downstairs you proceed along a narrow corridor. The path is just as convolutedas the one you took above ground. Hensger leads you around any number of cornersuntil you finally come up to a side passage of quite different structure. Onceyou are all inside the passage, you hear Hensger snigger. Then the wall closesup behind you. You are alone.

“I told you. Around here, I call the tune. Take it or leave it. Now, get moving.”

play along or

would you rather get away?

When you enter your room, there is a stout uniformed man sitting there, obviouslywaiting for your arrival.

“I have been informed that you are wanted for committing a crime in Gashok. Donot make any trouble and follow me. I have brought along twenty hardy men andwomen to subdue you if necessary. I heard you were dangerous. So don’t try anythingfunny. After you.”

A glance out the window and into the hall shows that the officer is speakingthe truth. Thus, you have no choice but to comply with his order.

The bailiffs tie you up as securely as they can and throw the lot of you ontoan ox cart. First they make sure all spell users among you are thoroughly gaggedand blindfolded. They are quite obviously nervous and do not leave you out oftheir sight for a second: apparently, they are quite afraid of you. After somevery uncomfortable days on the road, you reach Gashok, where you are thrown intoa room at the inn. Exhausted from the rigors of the journey, you immediatelydrop off into a deep slumber…

You have just gone to bed when suddenly a band of Orcs rushes into your room(without knocking as well!) “An informer has supplied us with evidence aboutsubversive activities by you. Stay away from the weapons! Not that they woulddo you any good, anyway. Shut up!”

“That “Stupid-Orc-game” won’t wash with me: I’m an officer! All right, boys,execute them. Right here. It’s high time we made another example of someone.And don’t forget to reimburse the innkeeper for the ruined bedclothes afterwards.Just let me get out first; destroying half-naked, unarmed criminals isn’t somethingI particularly like. You’d call it unrondrian, presumably. You’ve got a few secondsfor prayer…”



“HALT!” Suddenly, a harsh voice sounds, and a figure appears out of the shadowsalong the wall. A heavily armed guardsman approaches you when you try to enter Castle Tiefhusen and keeps you at a distance with his lance.
“You have no business here, strangers!”
Unfortunately, all your efforts to convince the soldier otherwisefail, and you have to leave again.

“If you haven’t got the money by now, I can’t help you. Just forget our deal.”

Strange! This temple is closed! Something like this has never been seen beforeanywhere in Arkania.

The Orcs prohibited leaving the town by boat!

“Come back in the evening. Not everyone must know about us doing business together.”

“Come back at dawn and leave me alone now.”

“I help those only, who were recommended to me.”

“Watch your step! I do have extremely influencial friends!”

“Come back once you’ve changed your minds. I’ll give you ‘til evening to thinkabout it. And bring along %d[N]Ducats then!”

Indeed, Hensger seems to have left you alone inside this vault and the maliciouslaughter, you soon hear from above, confirms your assumption.
You are alone!

Язык: English | Категория: Star Trail Game Texts | Дата: 02.02.25 | Просмотров: 170 | Отзывов: 0

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