
~ Blood Peaks 3

You are standing in a large room that is quite obviously used as a smithy.

There are several blanks lying in the fire of the forge. I’d say they’re probablydestined to become spear heads. You can see a smoke vent above the forge, buta rat is about the biggest thing that could hope to pass through there.

The water barrel is meant to quench the hot metal.

There’s clear, fresh water in this barrel.
A fine opportunity to have a drinkand fill your water skins, don’t you think?

Aaah, that’s good!

This shrine is dedicated to Gravesh, the Orcish god of smiths. There’s an uglybut effective looking mace lying in an alcove inside it.
Do you

Take the mace?

Smash this Orcish perversion?

You pick up the mace and take it with you.

The idol breaks apart under your determined blows.

Come to think about it, with everything you’ve heard about the Gravesh cult,the only one being worshipped here is Ingerimm.

You are standing in a small room apparently used to store materials needed inthe smithy: wood, charcoal and several ingots of iron. Not much of interest foryou, this stuff.
Then again, you might want to look this room over closely anyway.Do you?

As was to be expected, you find nothing of interest.

Within this chest lies, carefully wrapped in waxcloth, the Orcish war flag, acloth a good 4[N]square paces in size and embroidered with various blood-curdlingfight scenes.
Do you want to destroy the flag?

Ripping the Orc flag into small pieces gives you tremendous satisfasction.

Something is very wrong here…

A small Ogre hatchet is lying on the floor.
Do you want to take it along?

Looks to me like these shelves are used to store just about anything and everything.
Doyou want to rummage around a bit?

Quite obviously, these shelves are used to store general equipment. Most of thestuff on them is ropes and blankets.
Do you want to take some?

Here, you find mostly various kinds of tools.
Do you want to pocket some of them?

The Orcs have stored their winter equipment on these shelves.
Do you want totake some of the musty stuff?

This little box of fine wood is covered all over with small copper scales. Thelid is missing, so the contents are clearly visible: a mummified hand and a smallcopper disk.
Do you want to

Take the mummified hand?

Take the copper disk?

All of a sudden, [NAME] feels a stinging pain. Immediately, [NAME] lets go of the handwhich is glowing in an unholy shade of green now.

OK. Carefully, you lift the copper disk from the box.

The irregular room is faintly illuminated by several torches. The floor is coveredwith carpets and animal skins. There are bundles of herbs, various strange fetishesand a number of metal items hanging from the ceiling. The whole room is filledwith a strong herbal smell.

You can see some more peculiar fetishes between the carpets and in the gaps betweenthe matresses, but you find nothing that looks like it could be of value to youanywhere.

There’s a large pile of straw here, held together in a decidedly makeshift wayby some blankets. That must be the bedding of the Ogres.

The straw bed looks somewhat made up and even comfortable, as these things go.
Thatwould have to be the shaman’s bedstead, I’d wager.

There are several sacks of grain on these shelves. Do you want to cut them opento see what’s inside?

You slice open the sacks and watch the valuable grain run off onto the floor,but there seems to be nothing else inside those sacks.

There are several empty grain sacks on the shelves, and the floor is coveredall over with their former contents.

This is a massive but fairly plain stone sarcophagus. Strange that there seemto be no burial furnishings.
Do you want to

Examine the sarcophagus?

Open the sarcophagus?

Excellent masonry! The peculiar thing is, you can’t find any inscription or somethinglike that giving a clue as to who the “occupant” of this sarcophagus might be.

The lid is too heavy!

With a lot of work, [NAME] and [NAME] finally manage to push the lid aside. It fallsto the stone floor with a tremendous amount of noise and lets you take a peekinto the interior of the sarcophagus…

It’s a Mummy!

Obviously that of a Dwarf.

And it’s sitting up.

Now why do you suppose the Orcs painted those protecting runes on the door backthere?

The sarcophagus has been broken into. It is empty!

It takes some imagination to think you could do anything worthwhile with thekind of junk in this crate: old cloth, pulley parts, a spear head, a broken glassmirror, a dog collar and other things of similar value.

There’s a lot of junk on these shelves. Empty sacks - piled high - but also somereal valuables like rusty and bent nails. You know the kind of stuff.

A pile of fairly messed up straw.

A pile of disheveled straw. You know, as far as cleanliness is concerned, theseOrcs have a lot to learn. [NAME] is really soiled!

A pile of quite messy straw. Underneath, you discover a dose of whirlweed.

Apart from some burnt down torches, these shelves contain nothing even remotelyinteresting.

Through the portal, you can see a large hall, lighted by a number of fires withseveral persons moving about. Also, you can hear the noise of rough and readyOrcish conversation.

Maybe [NAME] should practice moving a bit quieter some time. It looks like thoseOrcs out in the hall have noticed you, as their conversation quite suddenly stops!
Youpress your backs against the wall and try to blend in with the brickwork. Timepasses…

…finally you dare breathe again. The Orcs seem to have gone back to their wildcarousing and put all thought of unexplained noise from the corridor out of theirminds. That was a bit of luck.

ALARM! Now you’ve done it!
So much for that!

The floor around here appears to be constructed in a way that lets it fall awaycompletely - probably as part of some diabolical pit trap! But forewarned a youare, you manage to avoid the trap, though it still takes some doing.

“Careful!” [NAME] warns. “There’s a pit trap ahead. Do you see the seams?”
[NAME] pointsout the telltale edge of the pit to you, and you all manage to get past withoutany harm befalling you.

Abruptly, the ground falls away beneath your feet and uncovers a pit. Its flooris covered with sharp-edged clay shards. As you are all extremely bad at walkingon thin air, you plunge in, resulting in some ugly cuts and bruises. Still, aftersome - considerable - time, you manage to climb back out of the pit.

You carefully avoid the pit trap. This isn’t all that simple, though, due toits size and the fact that you’re hard pressed to find somewhere to step, soit takes quite a while.

It’s a pile if fairly messed up straw. Underneath the straw, you discover a goldnecklace.

That’s a fireplace, quite obviously used mostly for cooking.

There’s a cauldron here, inside of which numerous large chunks of meat are swimmingin a sauce that makes your eyes water even from half a pace away.
Do you

Examine the cooking place?

Eat of the stew?

This goulash seems to have been prepared using some kind of Hylailian Fire insteadof water - and the meat tastes like it’s diced dragon or something. You can seea small smoke vent above the fireplace.

Not bad, but I think it’s burned off my taste buds!

No thanks, I’m not hungry!

A pile of jumbled up straw. Underneath the straw, you discover a bottle of brandyand a well preserved sword.

Ham, sausages, halved pig, goat heads, sour greens, black bread and other delicaciesare piled high in here.
Do you want to top up your rations with some of it?

A number of bottles and casks are stored here.
Do you want to help yourselves?

A number of large barrels are doweled fast between the shelves.
Do you want totake a look inside?

There are suits of Orcish leather armor and some sort of quilted tunic storedhere - unfortunately, they’re all size “0” (Orc).
Do you want to take some along?

On these shelves, you can find a more or less exquisite selection of Orcish slashingand stabbing weapons.
Do you want to take your pick?

A tremendous amount of shields is piled high on the lower shelves.
Do you wantto take a pick?

You come across some missile weapons.
Do you want to take some?

There are various helmets stored on the upper shelves with some heavy bashingweapons on the lower ones.
Do you want to take some for yourselves?

Here, a low ramp leads outside. The valley opening out before you is bathed in[NAME]. Looks like you’ve made it, folks…



[NAME] gets hit hard by a crossbow bolt and gives off a loud scream!

You discover a crossbow trap.
Do you want to try to disarm it?

And who’s going to try their skill on the trap?

Trying to disarm the trap, [NAME] triggers it. A bolt shoots out and wounds [NAME] seriouslyin the arm. Clenching [NAME] teeth, [NAME] tries to suppress a cry of pain and almostmanages!

Carefully, [NAME] goes to work, and after a short time, the trap is disarmed.

Do you want to flip the lever?

Eh voila! A perfect triple somersault…

Ehm, no, wait a minute, that’s no good. Let me rephrase that.
Do you want tomove the lever to a different position?

You flip the lever, but nothing happens.

You carefully move down the stairs…

This room appears to be used as a latrine, a fact that is quite obvious not onlyfrom the holes in the floor, but also from the stench.

This little box of fine wood is covered all over with small copper scales. Thelid is missing, so the contents is clearly visible: a mummified hand.
Do youwant to

Язык: English | Категория: Star Trail Game Texts | Дата: 22.01.25 | Просмотров: 175 | Отзывов: 0

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