
Rockslide Ambush

Your point man spots some suspicious figures behind the next turn, waiting halfway up the slope behind some boulders. Will you

* pass by the probable ambush

* or risk being attacked?

Rock slide! Some brigands appear on the slope and try to block your way with rocks and boulders!

Fight or flee?

With some really big jumps you manage to get through the narrows in front of the tumbling rocks. Behind you, you can hear the frustrated curses of those terribly bright highwaymen who are just now realizing that they’ve blocked their own way…

If this goes on at the same speed, you’ll need another day or two. Do you want to go on digging anyway?

The way ahead is blocked by a giant rock slide. Now what? Do you

* turn back

* or unblock the road?

Do you want to continue work?

You have moved enough rocks to be able to continue your journey past the obstacle.

Язык: English | Категория: Star Trail Game Texts | Дата: 22.01.25 | Просмотров: 175 | Отзывов: 0

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