
~ Nature

[NAME] discovers 5[N]four-leaf loneberries.

[NAME] finds a dose of belmart.

In the muddy water, you stumble across the body of some unlucky wandering man.[NAME] determines that the fellow died from bite wounds. If the poor soul had anyequipment on him when he died, it is nowhere to be found now. The only thingsthat haven’t become a victim of the constantly gurgling swamp are some tattersof clothing.

You can feel the necrophobia surging inside [NAME] in the presence of these sad remains.With a frightened stare, [NAME] draws away from the body in a state of approachingpanic, hits the rail of the log road, falls over and tumbles into the swamp.It takes all your efforts to rescue [NAME] from the deadly embrace of the treacherousswamp waters.

A kvill adder slithers through the waters right in front of you! [NAME] has the presenceof mind to kill it, but you came very close indeed to stepping on it.

[NAME] is bitten by a snake!
You just see the end of its tail disappear into thebrackish waters. You were not been able to identify the snake.

You notice a gulmond bush. In the soft ground, you have no trouble pulling itout and taking it with you.

When you step between the peculiar looking buildings, you find yourselves faceto face with about two dozen strange creatures. They are standing on their twohind legs, but over all, they look just like salamanders…aside from the factthat salamanders are not in the habit of holding jagged spears in their paws.The lizard being standing closest comes toward you with hesitant steps and startstalking in a hissing and hardly understandable voice.

You discover a fantastically cultivated herb garden!
“Will you look at that”,[NAME] says and inspects the wealth of plants.

You discover twenty plants resembling heather along the water’s bank in asingle file.
Do you

take a closer look at one of them?

pull one out of the ground to examine it closely?

leave the plants be?

Which one?

It is a particularly strong plant.

You discover nothing special besides the fact that the bushes are extraordinarilystrong.

Suddenly, the rantzy you are carrying gives a single loud howl and then goesall slack.

You discover a cart that seems to have been standing here for no more than afew days; you find no trace of the owners apart from some bones. There are noclues to what might have occurred here.

“The undergrowth seems to be a bit less dense over there. We might be able tohack a path through there”, [NAME] says, pointing at a hedge. You immediately getto work, and yes, indeed, you manage to free a passage with a single hour.

“Uh-uh. I’m sorry, folks”, [NAME] suddenly states upon seeing the swamp. “You’llhave to cross that without me.”
With those words, [NAME] waves good-bye. Shortlyafterwards, he is already lost in the mist.

The tower’s burnt down. It can’t be entered any more!

Do you really want to leave this swamp?

No question.
Inside this mud, [NAME] would only encumber you.
You leave [NAME] here.

The door won’t open and from it’s aura, you can guess that magic is the nameof the game.

Язык: English | Категория: Star Trail Game Texts | Дата: 22.01.25 | Просмотров: 173 | Отзывов: 0

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