This is a mighty dark corner - apparently this is where the digging stopped -and a possible hiding place for an emergency.
Looks like absolutely anything and everything gets stored on these shelves.
Doyou want to rummage a bit? See what you can find?
Hello! There’s a considerable part of your equipment stored in this here chest.
The wooden statue of Brazoragh is covered with a thin layer of gold.
[NAME] starts to scrape the gold off the statue. [NAME] does not react to your calling[NAME], and when one of you touches [NAME], [NAME] hand flies to the haft of [NAME] weapon…
“Just a few seconds!” [NAME] snarls with clenched teeth.
There are some weapons lying around here. I guess they’re meant for arena fighters.
Doyou want to examine them?
You are standing in a small room filled with an abysmal stench of dogs, spoiledmeat and worse.
Do you really want to search this hellhole?
You dig through dog crap, bone shards - not just those of animals - and severelygnawed on anatomical details without finding anything useful. On the other hand,you have managed to foul yourselves up head to toe with various fluid and slimysubstances, the exact provenience of which had better stay a mystery.
You burrow through things my delicate sensibilities stop me from mentioning,foul yourselves head to toe in the process and come upon a macabre discovery:the chewed up remains of an - obviously Elven - hand with a ring still attachedto it.
Do you pull the ring off and pocket it?
While the door is still lifting, you hear a loud snarling, and immediately, awhole pack of salivating fighting dogs is coming at you through the partiallyopen doorway!
You can clearly make out voices from behind the large door in the north.
A pile of severely messed up straw.
Orcish standards of cleanliness leave a lot to be desired. [NAME] is a royal mess.
There are cast off suits of armor of Orcish manufacture stored in here. Disregardingthe fact that they wouldn’t fit any of you, they are so badly worn that theywould offer hardly any protection, anyway.
These shelves are full of cast off Orcish suits of armor. And while they wouldn’tfit any of you anyway, even if the did, they would offer hardly any protection.They are severely worn through, all of them.
What’s much more interesting, behindthe shelves, there’s a narrow cleft visible on the wall…
Do you want to trypushing the shelves of armor to one side?
Pushing the shelves aside is no big deal. Afterward, you give the wall a thoroughexamination.
At a height of about three paces, you discover a small, round opening in theceiling above the wall, about the size of a Silver Crown.
Unfortunately, you can’t find anything unusual, so you push the sheves back wherethey belong.
“Why don’t we give this thing here a try,” [NAME] says, takes [NAME] and starts pokingaround in the hole with it until you all hear a sharp click. Suddenly, and accompaniedby a tremendous amount of noise, the wall in front of you sinks into the ground.
“Let’s give this thing here a try,” [NAME] says, takes [NAME] and starts poking aroundinside the opening with it, but nothing happens.
Somewhat frustrated, you pushthe shelves back where they belong.
Unfortunately, the hole is beyond reach. So, you just push the shelves back wherethey belong to avoid causing undue attention.
There’s a vast stain of dried blood on the floor here.
You know, judging from the seams in the floor here, we’re looking right at abig pit trap.
A pit of about four paces in depth opens up before you. Fortunately, its flooris covered with moldy straw. Even so, it takes quite some time to pass acrosswithout a mishap.
Suddenly, the floor gives way beneath you and you plunge about four paces deepinto a pit trap. Luckily, it is cushioned with straw, but even so, the fall causedsome light injuries.
You are standing in a stuffy storage room that appears not to have been usedfor some time.
Pieces of rock are raining down on you from the ceiling!
There’s a lot of trash lying about on the floor, and there seems to be somethingmoving down there.
Do you want to investigate?
You push some of the trash aside and find a lot of fat, finger-long, gray maggots…
At this very moment, you hear a scraping sound behind you!
A vast natural cave opens up before you. Your sense of smell is assaulted bya stinging stench.
You notice a hole in the ceiling at a height of some three-and-a-half paces.
Climb up?
Check closer?
A narrow shaft seems to wind upward behind the opening.
You can’t manage to climb up there, and when you try to support each other acrobatstyle, you come crashing down.
With quite some effort, you squeeze through the narrow shaft, but [NAME] loses [NAME]grip, scrapes off a fair bit of skin, and pulls the lot of you back down…
There are about a dozen gray maggots the size of a finger wiggling through alarge pile of trash here.
Do you want to examine the pile anyway?
You poke about in the trash for a while, but without turning up anything of interest.
To your considerable amazement, you find [NAME] poking about in there.
a dagger
some Orcish jewelry
a strange looking key from some metal with a golden gleam
a bronze flask
Apparently, this small room is used to store animal feed. The troughs along thewall contain spoiled meat, vegetable leftovers, mildewed grain and dead rats.The animals being fed from here obviously can’t afford to be choosy about whatthey eat…
You even push aside the spoiled and rotting food, albeit with an expression ofdistaste, searching, but you don’t find anything to interest you. On the otherhand, this room is so uninteresting and easy to overlook, it is almost a perfecthiding place…
After striking down your last opponent, you notice that one of the Orcs losta key. You waste no time picking it up.
The Gods, what a stink! And those holes in the floor… looks like you foundthe latrines. Congratulations.
After dealing with your last opponent, you notice that one of those Orcs losta mighty peculiar looking key. You waste no time taking possession of this possiblyuseful item.
You are standing in a small room furnished to serve as a jail cell: dirty strawon the floor, a stinking bucket for a latrine, a torch holder and some scratchingson the walls.
You are standing in a small room that appears to have been furnished for useas a jail cell: there’s dirty straw on the floor, a stinking bucket for a latrine,a torch holder and some scratchings on the walls. There’s one spot where someoneapparently tried to loosen a brick in an escape attempt.
You are standing in a small room furnished to serve as a jail cell: there’s dirtystraw on the floor, a stinking bucket for a latrine, a torch holder and somescratchings on the walls. No doubt about it, it’s the room you were kept prisonersin. You’re quite certain to know every square span of it by now, making any furtherexamination quite unnecessary.
There’s a large well here.
How about it? Do you want to take a drink and fillup your water skins?
Hmmm, tasty and refreshing!
There’s some kind of stew simmering in this cauldron.
Are you interested in tastingthis Orc feed?
Well, you could hardly call it a feast, but at least it’s filling, and consideringit’s Orcish “cuisine”, it’s actually pretty good.
We’ve already emptied that cauldron a while ago.
There are various cooking utensils, several food items and a number of big kniveson the table.
Do you want to take everything useful?
You are standing inside a very narrow chamber that apparently sees duty as ajail cell. There’s some straw on the floor and a bucket over in the corner.
After some searching, you discover a small silver amulet underneath the dirtystraw.
Death to Orcs!
KiL aLL OrG SkuM!!!
Death to that Vile Answin!
Up the III.[N]Regiment
Up the 19th[N]company
Up the 11th[N]Banner
Long live Emperor Hal!
Beware of Belgor!
Alrik was here
B.J. Blaskowicz was here
No one gets out of here alive!
Help Rondra!
Help Praios!
Help Phex!
The Polar Diamant is in the temple of aaarrrghhhh…
Sadrak Whassoi is a XXXXXX
I`m shTILl AlIvE!
You take a closer look at the scribbles scratched into the walls and discoverthe following:
The ground around here is covered with debris, and there is strange, pungentsmell in the air.
“I can smell Cave Spiders!” [NAME] warns. “Just what we need right now for thisexcursion to be a smashing success!”
With mighty strokes, you split the clinging, almost finger thick threads of thespider webs.
[NAME] fails to cut the web, and instead [NAME] is caught and completely immobilized bythe clinging threads. Soon after, [NAME] can hear the eerie and threatening whistleof the Cave Spiders. Helplessly caught in their web, [NAME] gets a first-handexperience of what it’s like to be digested alive!
[NAME] and [NAME] try to cut the web, but to no avail. Your weapons keep getting caught inthe clinging cobwebs.
You examine the skeleton closely, but there seems to be nothing of interest here.Hold on, though, isn’t there something flashing from behind the web?
Do you checkit out?
You can’t bring yourselves to look away from the clean-picked bones of this CaveSpider victim. All of a sudden, your feet feel made of lead. You are unable toovercome your fear of death and regretably have to give up.
In a niche behind the body, you find a sword with a richly decorated pommel.Unfortunartely, it didn’t do the poor fellow much good from the looks of it.
You enter a large natural cave. Here and there, you can see something glitterin the dark. The smell in the air if this cave makes you gasp for breath. Itis the smell of death, of decay and of Cave Spiders.
You stand in front of a nest of refuse, crawling with dozens of small spiders.
Doyou want to destroy it?
It takes quite a while, but you finally manage to crush all the spiders and messup the nest beyond recognition. Mind you, you are starting to have second thoughtsabout the worth of that particular decision when you hear a strange, whistlingsound behind you and whirl around…
“It’s the Queen Spider!” one of you gasps.
With giant steps, the Queen Cave Spider approaches and stares down at you withher countless eyes for a moment.
“Rondra!” [NAME] stammers. “That thing is immense!”Indeed, the spider is about four paces tall and fills the entire corridor, makingany thought of escape utterly useless.
Suddenly, her multiple legs start moving. She rears up and attacks. Within mereseconds, she has defeated and poisoned every single one of you. The last thingyou’ll ever see in your lives is her gigantic, eight-legged shadow lowering itselfdown upon you!
Then, suddenly, her multiple legs start moving. She rears up and attacks. Withinthe space of a few seconds, she has defeated and poisoned most members of yourparty. Fortunately, some of you appear immune against the otherwise deadly poisonof this giant arachnid. Bravely, you attack the spider, and after a short butbitter fight, you actually manage to kill the queen spider!
Suddenly, her multiple legs start moving. She rears up and attacks. But eventhough the spider manages to bite all of you and pump her poison into your systems,you are unharmed. Some mysterious factor appears to be protecting you from theotherwise fatal poison of the queen spider.
Given new courage by this unexpected advantage, you press the attack, and aftera short but extremely bitter fight, you manage to kill the spider!
You are standing inside a small alcove filled all over with silky cobwebs. Thismust have been the lair of the queen spider, as you don’t remember noticing thisalcove before. When you look around, you discover some jewels and a very peculiarkey on the floor. You immediately scarf up the lot.
You are inside a dungeon cell. In the evening, two heavily armed Orcs bring youa meal. It’s not particularly tasty, but at least it is halfway nutritious.
You are still inside the prison cell. In the evening, two heavily armed Orcsbring you a meal that is not exactly haute cuisine, if you get my drift, butat least it’s somewhat nutritious.
When you examine the room, you find that thedoor is hewn from solid wood and reinforced with metal on the outside. In thenortheast corner, a previous prisoner has managed to get quite far with his orher escape attempt: one brick can be pulled free of the wall. Behind it, youfind the rusty remains of a dagger. That was probably the tool your predecessorused for digging.
You have been inside a dungeon cell for two days now. In the evening, a heavilyarmed Orc appears with a meal. It tastes abysmal, but at least it sates yourhunger somewhat. A second Orc is waiting outside in the corridor.
In the lastfew days, you think you have noticed a certain rhythm to the activities. Also,you think you heard someone knocking at regular intervals: 2 long, 2 short, and3 short, 2 long.
You are inside a prison cell, and you still don’t know what fate is in storefor you. In the evening, the usual heavily armed Orc appears with your usualfoul-tasting, but halfway sating, meal. His companion stays out in the corridor,waiting.
You have noticed a certain rhythm. You always get your food shortlybefore the guards change. There seems to be no one in the corridor at that timebut your two prison guards. Also, you are now sure about that knocking you haveheard: 2 long, 2 short, and 3 short, 2 long.
You are inside your dungeon cell, thinking about your predicament. Today, theknocking you heard was low and muted. On the other hand, you have come to theconclusion that your cell is on a long corridor, and there appears to be otherprisoners in some of the other cells.
Come evening, there’s the heavily armedorc again, bearing the foul-tasting slop considered food around here with theother Orc keeping guard in the corridor outside as usual.
You are rotting away in a godsforsaken orcish dungeon cell, and the only thoughtleft in your minds is: Out of here… whatever it takes!
In the evening, whenthe heavily armed Orc appears to bring you the halfway nutritious, foul-tastingslop you’ve been forced to feed on, you strike.
In an act of sheer desperation,you overpower the guard. Carrying his arbach and dagger, you step across hisbody. You are now loose somewhere deep inside an Orcish fortress. It’s escape- or die trying…
The moment you enter the room, a sickly sweet smell fairly takes your breathaway. It’s the smell of death, of rotting flesh, and when you look around thecorner, you see a dead body on the floor.
Do you want to examine the corpse closer?
You turn over the corpse and recognize the face of a man who appears to havedied from dehydration.
“Hey, I’ve seen that guy before somewhere!” [NAME] says. “Why,sure! That’s one of those black mages who took the Salamander Stone from us outsideLowangen!”
Do you want to examine the corpse further?
After a quick search, you find the Salamander Stone inside a small pocket sewninto the inside of his coat!
“Now that’s what I call a piece of luck!” one ofyou blurts out.
Carefully, you creep up the stairs…
Stealthily, you creep down the stairs…
With some effort, you squeeze through the narrow shaft, and after quite sometime, you reach another room - caked with filth and giving off a heck of a stench- you, not the room, that is. Somehow, you get the distinct impression that youhave just squeezed through a sewer!
There are several old, rusty, and partly broken weapons lying around here, noneof which are of any use to you.
A pile of severely messed up straw.
After a closer examination, you find a partlyemptied bottle of booze.
Do you want to take it with you?
There are various food items stored here - or, not to make too fine a point ofit, the disgusting slop you had the dubious privilege to feed on all of lastweek. The greenish ham and moldy white cheese is covered with hundreds of insects,swarming all over them.
Do you want to help yourselves even so?
Here, the food appears much better preserved - probably the stores for the prisonguards.
Well, there’s only one word that comes to mind regarding the contents of thischest - “Junk”: moth-eaten blankets, rusted-through helmets, broken off hammerheads and all sorts of useless trash.