There are a lot of supplies here. Do you want to take some?
You can’t pilfer all the supplies stored here! Taking what you want from otherpeople’s property once is brazen, doing so more than once is simply too much.
There’s an old scroll lying on the ground in front of you.
Do you want to takeit?
Suddenly, [NAME] sees a pit trap right in front of you.
“Look out!” [NAME] warns therest of your party.
Abruptly, [NAME] starts hectically waving both arms before falling into a pit trapjust fragments of a second later.
“Ouch…,” you hear a cry from the pit, butsoon after, [NAME] head reappears from the ground. You give [NAME] a hand and help [NAME]back out of the pit.
There are three people standing in front of the statue. One of them is the youngpriest from the inn. You don’t know the second one.
The third one is that traitor Hensger who is responsible for your being here. The man looks at you for a while, and then he says sharply:
“You are inside a temple here. Show your reverence!”
Bounce the traitor off the walls?
Bow in front of the statue?
Just wait?
Nothing much happens.
“All right, then. I assume you still want to know where Star Trail is. Put yourmind at ease: The axe is safe and secure where it belongs.”
“In the hands of Phex. It has been there all this time.”
“Where exactly is none of your business. But it is in the middle ofOrcish Lands and thus impossible to reach.”
“In some ways, we are sorry that you have gone through such strenuous effort.”
“Especially since you shall not receive the reward our young brother mentionedso rashly.”
“You see, all of this has been no more than a test.”
“No, not for you, but for our acolyte here. You weren’t slated for any kind oftest.”
“Or do you really believe, the fates would be so unimaginative as to test you twicein allowing you to search for some weapon?”
“As for you, young friend:
You have failed your test in Historical Researchmiserably;”
“however as it was a minor subject, and you deserve recommendation for yourachievments in”
“building security and motivation of third parties, we shall go easyon you.”
“But you must take care to be more diligent in your research next time.”
“And you, brave heroes, be assured of our eternal gratitude.”
“But for now, I must ask you to leave the temple as the initiation rites arereserved for those who have reached a certain level.”
Refuse to be manipulated any longer and draw your weapons?
“Looky here!” [NAME] exclaims. “A secret door. Let’s see what that pesky little buggerHensger has cooked up for us now!”
You have been hit quite hard by bolts shooting out from the wall!
[N]Everything goes black in front of your eyes. It takes a while for you to cometo again.
The skeletons are quite obviously put together from bones of more than one personeach!
Without warning, [NAME] collapses with a deadly pale face and cold sweat on [NAME] brow.[NAME] eyes stare unmoving into nowhere.
“Before long, we’ll all be like that…”[NAME] moans and throws up. Fortunately, [NAME] appears to get a hold of [NAME]self againa short time later.
A bone-chilling scream echoes through the halls, and suddenly you hear stepsand the metallic clanking of weapons behind you. When you turn around, you findyourselves face to face with 4[N]Skeletons!
“Wey Oh!” says [NAME]. “That means trouble!”
You are standing in front of an offertory bowl of Phex. There are some ducatsand quite some jewelry inside. Do you
make an offering yourselves?
pilfer the bowl?
[NAME] is just reaching into the bowl when its contents suddenly disappears as ifby magic. A thunderous, disembodied voice calls out enraged:
“Don’t ever do that again! Never again!”
Then, a tremendous wind grabs all ofyou, lifts you up and whirls you about. The room around you seems to swim beforeyour eyes, and only later, when the eddy dies off and you slam back onto thefloor, do you realize what has happened to you…
When you put your offering into the bowl, there is a strange sound audible inthe distance.
“What was that?” [NAME] asks and slowly reaches for a weapon.
“I know there’s a door there, but try as I might, I can’t get it to open…”[NAME] says somewhat puzzled. “Maybe there’s a trick to it.”
Once the Skeleton warriors are defeated and their bare bones are scattered aroundthe floor, you find a heavy key among the pale bones and hurry to pick it upand pocket it.
When you take the recipe, a soft murmur spreads through the chamber. You heara heavy metal trellis rumble down and hit the floor with a loud bang.
“The door…”[NAME] cries.
Then you hear the heavy grating of stone on stone. Somewhere in your immediatevicinity an heavy stone door opens. Already, you can hear the clanking of metalweapons when 4[N]Skeletons abruptly enter the room and waste no time attackingyou.
This is a brazier with hot coals and gives off a warm light and at the same timeit heats the room a little. In itself, this is nothing special.
How many ducats do you want to tithe?
You carefully place your money into the offering bowl, but nothing happens.
On the floor in front of you, there is an old, yellowed and extremely dusty scroll.
Doyou want to pocket it?
“Careful!” [NAME] admonishes you with some concern. “Don’t you remember what happenedthe last time we tried to do that… I mean… oh, all right, who wants to liveforever?”
Then [NAME] carefully picks up the parchment and identifies it as an ancientrecipe.
Suddenly, you hear an abrupt sound.
“Oh no, not again…” Your hands fly to yourweapons, and [NAME] says: “I think that was the door.”
“I really think we should be a bit more careful around here,” [NAME] says.
“Man alive,” moans [NAME]. “There’s a secret door here. It’s hidden so well, it’salmost impossible to detect. That’s the way I like it!” With these words, [NAME]activates a secret mechanism, and the door slides down with a tremendous amountof noise.
“Another secret door,” [NAME] starts complaining. “What kind of a place is this?”
Abruptly, the plate starts to move, and you see the faint outline of a face.
“Answerme this: When is the Light of Phex alone?”
a voice asks seemingly from out ofnowhere.
“Indeed,” the voice whispers, and the face starts to fade. Somewhere in the distanceyou hear a sound, almost as if a door is being unlocked.
“You appear not to know the answer, unbelievers!” the voice growls.
“You haveno business here in my temple!”
“Didn’t I tell you? It’s a secret door. And now it’s opening!”
Uncovering the three fields you hear a soft “click” inside the wall, but nothingelse happens.
“What was this?” [NAME] mumbles.
Totally frustrated you stop this game.
“If only we had a clue, what we are supposedto do, damned!” [NAME] is slightly discouraged.
At the end of the stairs there is a hatch, locked from the outside. Hensger lockedyou up here!
“Do you already know the Blade of Destiny?” this sign reads
“What the heck isthis?” [NAME] asks indignated. “Blade of Destiny… pfff!”
“I know!” says one ofthe party members. “This happened to be the first part of the Northland-Trilogyby Attic and FanPro! Didn’t you play it?”
“Realms of Arkania - Blade of Destiny”is still available from well sorted software dealers!
“Something’s wrong here!” says [NAME] indignated.
“That happened to be tooeasy!”
“Rondra!” [NAME] cries inadvertently and as you turn around, you seewhat’s going on. In the door there stands a giant Poltergeist and blocks theexit.
“You can not enrich yourselves by Phex’ possessions! Not as long as I’mliving, because I am their sentinel!” booms the Poltergeist and takes thehelmet from [NAME] and the shield from [NAME] by a movement as quick as light. Afterthat, he vanishes in the air just in front of your eyes and with him theartifacts.
“You can not enrich yourselves by Phex’ possessions! Not as long as I’mliving, because I am their sentinel!” booms the Poltergeist and takes thehelmet and the shield from [NAME] by a movement as quick as light. Afterthat, he vanishes in the air just in front of your eyes and with him theartifacts.
“You can not enrich yourselves by Phex’ possessions! Not as long as I’mliving, because I am their sentinel!” booms the Poltergeist and takes thehelmet from [NAME] by a movement as quick as light. After that, he vanishes in theair just in front of your eyes and with him the artifacts.
“You can not enrich yourselves by Phex’ possessions! Not as long as I’mliving, because I am their sentinel!” booms the Poltergeist and takes theshield from [NAME] by a movement as quick as light. After that, he vanishes in theair just in front of your eyes and with him the artifacts.
“You are smarter, than I thought… little humans… though you didn’t breakmy powers!” booms the Poltergeist, takes the helmet and the shield and vanishesin the air, just in front of your eyes!
You make an attempt to wind yourselves past the ghost, but you do not success.When you try to attack him with your weapons, you only hit the air.
“Thiswon’t work!” says [NAME]. “A Poltergeist will not be destroyable by weapons!”
You make an attempt to wind yourselves past the ghost, but you do not success.When you try to attack him with your weapons, you only hit the air.
The spell hardly reaches the ghost, when he starts to wind himself like a snake.His shape distorts to a monstrous, foggy grimace and his mouth releases aterrible cry. Then the ghost disintegrates in front of your eyes in a painfulslow manner, though you’ll never forget his death cries.
“Didn’t ever havesuch an experience!” says [NAME] a few moments later, still staring at the - nowempty - passage.