
Rondra Priestess

You have hardly left town when you hear the sounds of fighting from somewhere to the left of the road. Do you

  • just walk on by?
  • take a look?

At the edge of a clearing, a woman in the priestly armor of Rondra is leaning against a tree, and five Orcs are attacking her with gusto. Even though the priestess has definitely seen you, she does not ask for assistance. However, you can’t help but notice that she has a number of fresh wounds from this fight already. Do you

  • help the priestess or
  • leave her to her fate and her pride and just walk on?

Just when you are about to take care of the priestess, she comes to. “You saved my life,” she states coolly, “and I owe you thanks for that, even though I did not ask you for it.”
But then, her eyes glaze over, and she speaks on with a different voice, a voice that makes your hair stand up and your teeth hurt.

“You have dangerous plans, little ones. You shall be confronting a tremendously superior force; in this, you shall honor Us and yourself. It is not in courage you are lacking that We can see, but purely experience. You would be going to your death, but We cannot allow this to happen to such upstanding heroes.
Thus, We are prepared to, let Us say, make a loan to you of some of Our experience. Use it well and do not shame Us.”

The woman twitches slightly, then she stands up. “Once again my thanks, and fare you well,” she says, talking again in her normal voice. With that, she disappears into the forest.

A tall woman stands on the road in front of you. She is dressed in red and white with a chainmail shirt and decorated with lion ornaments. She calmly awaits your approach. When she opens her mouth to speak, you recognize her: It’s the priestess you met before.

“You are walking the good road, and you have fought a brave battle so far. But the tasks ahead of you are even more fraught with danger than those you have already braved. You will have to face more than just a multitude of foes and brutal battles, treachery, betrayal and sinister magic awaits you all.”

“The Goddess has decided to grant you Her favors for the duration and let you keep what She so graciously consented to lend. Beware though: the Goddess’ gifts are reserved for those with an honorable spirit. There will be times when you will be forced to do things She cannot approve; but She is prepared to grant you the force of circumstance. However, should you abandon honor without need, She will reclaim Her gift forthwith.”

“Well met then, and may the Gods be with you.” With these words, she turns around and disappears down the mountain without another word.

Язык: English | Категория: Star Trail Game Texts | Дата: 02.02.25 | Просмотров: 183 | Отзывов: 0

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