
Inventory: Items

It contains %d keys.

It contains %d recipes.

These are [NAME].

This is [NAME].

They look almost new.

The sole is fairly worn.

The seams have split, and the sole is showing a number of holes.


Weight: %d ounces.

Group: [NAME]

Hit Points: %d - %d

AT reduction: %d
PA reduction: %d

AR protection: %d
Hindrance: %d





It is invested with wand spell No. %d.


(lightly damaged)

(heavily damaged)


(1 Portion)

Please select an acceptable item first!

[NAME] got possession of [NAME].

The matter value is about 4[N]ducats, but its real value is a completely different one…

(2 Portions)

(%d poisoned)

This vial contains a strange, viscous substance that seems to be glimmering somehow and has a real bad odor. The bottle is labeled with some orcish letters

which have the meaning of “Webbster”.

They’re in real good condition.

Язык: English | Категория: Star Trail Game Texts | Дата: 22.01.25 | Просмотров: 172 | Отзывов: 0

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