Revolting against yourself is impossible.
[NAME] is free to make [NAME] own decisions again.
How many astral points will [NAME] put into the Magic Armor?
[NAME] is no illusion!
[NAME] is no longer petrified.
There is no transformation spell on [NAME].
[NAME] is under a spell and can no longer move.
Magic armor activated.
[NAME] is not an intelligent being!
[NAME] has been pacified and will no longer attack.
[NAME] is dominated and will continue the fight on your side.
Unfortunately, [NAME] is not an animal.
[NAME] is panicking and takes flight.
[NAME] falls asleep.
[NAME] is hopping and dancing as if possessed.
But [NAME] isn’t dead.
[NAME] returns from the dead and will fight for you as an undead.
[NAME] movements are magically accelerated!
This spell can only be cast inside a dungeon!
For how many LE shall [NAME] try to heal [NAME]?
[NAME] cannot heal [NAME]elf with Witch’s Spit.
But [NAME] hasn’t been poisoned!
[NAME] is no longer poisoned.
How many astral points will [NAME] invest into the healing spell (7[N]min.)?
Whole new worlds appear to be opening up for [NAME].
Level %d
AT %d PA %d
AR %d MR %d
%d Attack[NAME]
TP %d-%d
LP %d/%d AP %d/%d
This crystal ball deflects all domination magic.
This coronet is invested with the Exposami spell.
You can open any door with a key of Dwarven gold.
I don’t think this is the right time for another spectacle in front of thesefolk!
[NAME] can really rouse those people!
They fork out [NAME].
Oh dear, that seems to have been too much. The people appear to have had enoughof this.
Strain the vocal cords again so soon?
Better not!
It is hard to believe, but the cheating works. [NAME] collects a whole [NAME].
Caught! All the other customers pounce on you, and you are forced to get outof the tavern as fast as you can.
Unnoticed, [NAME] disappear into the pockets of [NAME].
“Thieves! Thieves!” With hue and cry, [NAME] is caught.
With utmost effort, you manageto restore a semblance of order, but the only way to prevent being turned overto the guards is by giving up all your money!
All healing attempts are useless with [NAME]!
Magical creatures are immune to that!
When drought and stink unite in one place, keep your distance. For all your powerswill avail you naught.
Just one thing my friends:
Whosoever wants to avoid Boron should also avoid Tjolmarand keep to roads north of these latitudes.
He who is after a third party’s life should take care to make sure that his deedcannot hurt the wrong person.
Who knows? Otherwise you too could be looking intoBoron’s face far sooner than you would like to.
Who wants to honor Boron weaves him a Boron’s wheel.
The Twelve Gods, especially among them the Raven and the Lizard, have the powerto return me to your lives.
Boron and his helpers are already close to Lowangen. Not just Orcish souls arehis prey. No! Dwarves, Elves and Thorwalians as well shall soon enter His domainin great number.
Only Boron grants the power of forgetting which prevents life from drowning inhatred and strife.
In the coming night, [NAME] will sleep safe as a babe in the mother’s arms.
“I don’t notice anything out of the ordinary!”
[NAME] sinks into meditation -
“It’s meant to deflect Ignifaxus, I should say.
Actually, I’m quite certain ofit.”
“I’m sorry, but I cannot say what spell was used here!”
“Very interesting…a ring of protection…to raise resistance to magic…verypopular with Thorwalians.”
“This coronet is definitely of Elven manufacture.
Oh yes, it contains a MagicArmor spell.”
“This sabre is especially useful against Zombies, Skeletons and Mummies.”
“This amulet has been invested with the witch spell Fire’s Bane.
It absorbs alarge part of the damage anytime its wearer would otherwise be hurt by fire.”
“The spell Fiat Lux has been placed on this amulet.
Its owner won’t need to worryunnecessarily about torches or oil lamps for a while.”
“On this amulet rests a spell that makes its wearer immune to hunger and thirst,but I cannot ascertain what kind of magic it is.”
“This weapon appears to be unbreakable.”
“Seems to be a good defense against undead.”
“I get the feeling this spear has power over arachnids.”
“Whoa! There is a permanent Arcano Psychostabilur cast on this coronet!”
“A truly excellent weapon!”
“Ah yes. The smith has improved this weapon’s momentum, but it makes handlingit more difficult.
Only something for real experts.”
“This short sword appears to improve the user’s attack immensely.”
“Hmm. It seems to me this is a druidic artifact showing the way to certain herbs,but I am not entirely certain of it.”
“Quite obviously a protective charm, especially useful against spells of transformationand combat.”
“I can’t find any magic here.”
“I cannot ascertain the exact spell, but it appears to be concerned with theessence of weight.
You know, this chainmail shirt seems quite light for its robuststructure.”
“This belt will grant its wearer immense strength.”
“This sword should be especially useful against undead.”
“This item seems to be able to tell whether undead are holding the weapons. ButI know nothing more.”
“This appears to be something to combat disease.”
“This piece of jewelry will protect its wearer from magic flames. At least fora while.”
“This throwing dagger would seem to be especially easy to aim.”
“This orb will help you notice threatening dangers before they get you.”
This spell is wasted on a dead person!
[NAME] has been magically treated!
No, [NAME] isn’t magic!
[NAME] melts into the background and becomes almost invisible as long as [NAME] doesn’tmove.
Suddenly, there seem to be two of [NAME] standing next to each other.
That shouldconfuse the enemy all right!
[NAME] is blinded.
[NAME] is blinded.
How many combat rounds is the spell supposed to last (%d[N]max.)?
[NAME] shadow animates and helps [NAME] for %d[N]combat rounds.
You can’t break a weapon that isn’t there to be broken!
That weapon is already broken!
From now on, [NAME] must fight with empty hands!
[NAME] of [NAME] has broken!
What level for the Lance of Fire (%d[N]max)?
[NAME] attack is reduced by 3 points!
[NAME] attack is reduced by 3 points!
[NAME] turns into a regular fighting machine for %d[N]combat rounds.
Now, [NAME] will attack distant targets with improved accuracy.
The magic resistance of [NAME] is increased by 2 points.
Increase the armor class by how many points (%d[N]max.)?
[NAME] armor class is increased by %d.
The [NAME] of [NAME] is increased by 2 points!
[NAME] will take less damage from magic flames!
[NAME] has been petrified!
[NAME] has just been turned into a toadstool!
Turn [NAME] invisible for how many game turns?
[NAME] becomes invisible and avoids any potential conflicts!
What should [NAME] ignite?
[NAME] ignites the torch.
Darkness covers all around.
And there was light!
Now, the party is moving stealthily as cats.
You cannot use this spell on yourself!
The [NAME] of [NAME] has already been magically enhanced and cannot be increased anyfurther!
[NAME] is no longer petrified.
[NAME] does not attack anymore.
[NAME] is under a spell and will now attack [NAME] own party!
[NAME] is in the grip of panic and hurries away!
[NAME] doesn’t have the herbs needed for this treatment!
[NAME] lights the lantern.
[NAME] doesn’t have any oil for the lantern!
[NAME] has neither a torch nor a lantern!
[NAME] has no tinderbox!
[NAME] doesn’t need healing.
[NAME] fails to heal [NAME].
Curse the gods!
If only [NAME] hadn’t tried that!
Healing the wound fails, and [NAME]contracts tetanus on top of it as well!
Help whom?
[NAME] has not been poisoned.
[NAME] cannot find out which poison is coursing through [NAME] veins.
It hasn’t been long enough since the last attempt to heal [NAME] using skills alone!
The healing attempt fails!
[NAME] takes another %d[N]point[NAME] of damage.
[NAME] gives [NAME] back %d[N]Life Point[NAME].
Heal how many Life Points?
[NAME] cannot neutralize the poison in [NAME] veins.
Tsa be praised!
[NAME] can neutralize the poison in [NAME] veins.
Will [NAME] try to help [NAME]?
Tsa be praised!
[NAME] can heal [NAME] illness and also gives [NAME] back %d[N]Life Point[NAME].
[NAME] finds it impossible to tell what disease [NAME] has contracted.
“I can’t find any disease on [NAME]!”, [NAME] says.
Unfortunately, [NAME] isn’t carrying the right kind of herbs.
Sorry, not enough Astral Points available.
Sorry, spell failed!
Value which item?
[NAME] frowns:
“I’d say, we can get [NAME] for [NAME].”
[NAME] frowns:
“I’m dumbstruck!
I really couldn’t say.”
The domination spell is deflected from [NAME] without any effect!
Obviously, this ring protects against any kind of fire!
This amulet deflects a spell.
This wristband reduces acrophobia!
This wristband increases charisma!
“Definitely magic, but that’s all I can tell.”
“Quite obviously magic!”
This belt definitely reduces necrophobia.
This is a water skin you may drink from but which you can never empty.
Whenever you take food out of this bread bag, it will become full again.
This bottle of wine will always be full.
A true masterpiece.
This bow is extremely accurate.
A true masterpiece.
This sword is obviously of superior quality.
Whoa, this helm reduces the charisma of its wearer.
This piece of leather armor appears to protect its wearer from fire in certainsituations.
“Let’s see what I can do for [NAME].”
%ld Ducats
To be able to brew anything, you must have an alchemy set!
Use which recipe?
First you should find some quarters.
That would take %d[N]hours. You don’t have that much time!
That will take %d[N]hours.
What next?
Don’t brew anything
Impossible, you have no [NAME].
[NAME] has no recipes available.
No, [NAME] aren’t magical!
“Using this ring is equivalent to throwing an Ignifaxus spell!”
“Truly a remarkable piece!
Unbreakable and easier to handle than a normal maceas well.”
Skeletons are immune to that!
[NAME] is confused and fights worse.
That spell won’t help if you cast it on a dead person!
[NAME] does not need healing!
[NAME] is healed.
[NAME] is not able to cast a spell right now.
[NAME] does not know this spell well enough!
That spell doesn’t have any affect on a skeleton.
How many Astral Points shall [NAME] try to rob of [NAME] (%d[N]-[N]%d)?
I see no cause to force anyone around here to do something!
Stop fooling around!
Banish Spirits won’t help us here.
What radius of paces will the area of weightlessness have?
(At the moment, [NAME]could manage %d[N]paces maximum).
How many paces will the rainbow bridge span?
(At the moment, [NAME] could manage%d[N]paces maximum).
I don’t see anything that would be useful to levitate.
All traces of [NAME] disappear immediately.
No one could find anything here.
How many minutes shall [NAME] be able to walk on ice (%d[N]max.)?
I don’t see any reasonable use for mind reading in this situation.
For the next %d[N]minutes, [NAME] takes the form of a small child.
There is no one here who doubts whether they are a witch or warlock.
This is neither the time nor the place to call on Boron’s disciples.
[NAME] turns into a dog for the next %d[N]minutes.
There is no reasonable use for that here and now!
Do you want all party members to be able to breathe under water?
[NAME] cleanses all food from poisons and germs.
[NAME] blows through cupped hands and a strong breeze appears.
How many Astral Points do you want to put into the magic lock?
What could possibly freeze here?
What could possibly melt here?
There is absolutely no wind blowing here anyway.
What item am I supposed to magically destroy?
[NAME] feels a sudden deep craving for strawberries.
Suddenly, %d[N]crows appear as if from nowhere.
An area of weightlessness appears %d[N]paces around [NAME], inside of which everythingstarts floating uncontrollably.
In front of [NAME], a bridge of %d[N]paces length appears. It shimmers all the colorsof the rainbow.
[NAME] has already been accelerated and cannot act any faster.
[NAME] can already walk on ice, so what’s the use??
From now on, [NAME] can move on ice with extraordinary safety for a period of %d[N]minutes.
[NAME] has already been doubled twice - that’s useless!
[NAME] already looks like a small child. That would really be overdoing it.
[NAME] broom starts lashing out.
Unfortunately, this spell has absolutely no effect without a witch’s broom!
[NAME] is already in a combat rage and [NAME] won’t be able to stand anymore of it.
This spell has already been cast on [NAME] and it is still active.
There’s already a Fire’s Bane on [NAME].
Breathe under water for how many minutes (%d[N]max.)?
Lungs turn into gills and for the next %d[N]minutes you can breathe under water.
But [NAME] is already invisible.
[NAME] can’t find any spoiled food in the baggage.
Claudibus was successful - anyone trying to open something around here has theirwork cut out for them.
You are already within the effect radius of an active Silentium spell - castingthe same spell again on top of the first one is not possible.
This magic helmet may be worn by any character. It will raise armor class by3 points.
I’d really like to know who’d do something like that…
This scroll containsa spell cast seven times each by seven different people:
It is “TransformationDispell”.
I’d really like to know who’d do something like that…
This scroll containsa spell cast seven times each by seven different people:
It is a Dispell spell,though I do not know which one.
Those who are tired and weary from bearing the weight of the day may pray toBoron’s might for the divine blessing of a good night’s sleep.
To increase their power is the goal of gods. Who refuses to submit to the willof Boron should stay on guard for Numbskull. For where it isn’t treated, BlueCough won’t be far behind.
[NAME] can quite clearly hear [NAME] voice from out of Boron’s realm:
[NAME] attack is decreased.
[NAME] flees.
There is no animal around here to be cured.
[NAME] feels the healing energy transfer into the animal.
A doppelganger appears right beside [NAME].
[NAME] is bewitched.
You can’t summon a spirit now!
[NAME] attempt to summon a demon fails.
No demon appears.
The Heshthot appears, but [NAME] fails to control it.
The demon returns to its homedimension.
The Heshthot appears, but [NAME] fails to control it.
Furiously, the demon attacksyour party.
Following [NAME] summoning, a Heshthot appears and assists you in this fight.
[NAME] attempt at summoning a demon fails.
But something is happening all right.
Afurious Zant appears and will fight against you.
[NAME] summoning is successful.
A Heshthot appears, but [NAME] Astral Energy is too lowto control it, and so it returns to its home dimension.
The Zant appears, but [NAME] cannot control it. So it returns to its home dimensionstraight away.
The Zant appears, but [NAME] is unable to contol it.
Instead of helping you, it furiouslyattacks your party.
Following [NAME] summoning, a Zant appears to assist you in this fight.
[NAME] attempt at summoning fails.
And spectacularly so, as a furious Zant appearsto fight against you.
[NAME] summoning is successful, and a Zant appears.
But [NAME] Astral Energy is too lowto control the Zant, so it immediately returns to its home dimension.
[NAME] summoning fails.
No fire elemental appears.
[NAME] is successful, and you will be assisted in this fight by a fire elemental.
[NAME] is successful all right, but unfortunately hasn’t enough Astral Points tocontrol the fire elemental.
It disappears again straight away.
Praios help us all!
[NAME] summoning fails spectacularly!
An Arch Demon appears!
All[NAME] can do is lie on the floor whimpering while the demon permanently robs [NAME]of %d[N]Astral Points.
A fine example of how not to use this spell, I’d say.
The disease [NAME] has contracted cannot be beaten without visiting a healer!
[NAME] turns into a veritable fighting machine.
[NAME] stays unharmed!
Before any treatment is possible, [NAME] must first be de-petrified!
[NAME] has not been cursed!
[NAME] ha[NAME] been destroyed!
“So I’ve not gone mad.
I’m not going to destroy [NAME]!”
None of you has come along with an instrument and you will be hardly able tomake some bucks by plonking away on your weapons.
“Nice try.
But you really cannot impress me with this child’s spell!”
“As long as you have to deal with me, [NAME] will remain a hostage to my friend!”Arkandor snorts.
Spell failed… luckily
The spell on this sword can’t be classified correctly but it sure has somethingto do with movement.
Apart from this there are evil influences to be felt!
[NAME] has already turned into dog
There’s nothing here I could open!
[NAME] approaches the fountain and touches the ice cautiously. As the magic showsthe first effect, [NAME] goes back again.
Slowly the ice begins to melt, the fountainalready starts to splash again, when the large ice block breaks apart and theshe-warrior falls to the ground.
Claudibus is only useable in especial situations (door menu f.i.).
That’s really strange: [NAME] isn’t able to concentrate on the spell even a bit.
To use the spell, you should retreat from the fountain. Look out for having enoughroom behind you then - you never know, what will happen!
“Rhekosh n’karr chotabez.”
“I hope, it’s not too late for peace.”
You sense very greedy and mean feelings, coming from Praiodan.
“I am still cold.”
“I’ll never ever eat meat again. You never know, whom you’ve got on your plate.”
“As soon as I’ve arrived savely at Lowangen, I’ll see to it that I get rid ofthese loosers.”
“It’s just quite usefull to measure ones loyality in silver.”
“Quadrivium (…vi…) the, -s:
The four higher subjects in Arkanian education:Alchemy, Rune Lore, Astrology and Music.”
“Rhekosh n’karr chotabez.”
“I hope, it’s not too late for peace.”
“Energy, I need energy!”
“I am still cold.”
“I owe you thank for my rescue.”
“As soon as I’ve arrived savely at Lowangen, I’ll see to it that I get rid ofyour lot of loosers.”
“As long as you pay me a piece of silver daily, I’ll fight at your side.”
“Rogolan is the language of the Angroschin. But the Elves speak Isdira.”
You can’t rob Astral energy from [NAME]!
[NAME] robbed %d Astral Points of [NAME].
[NAME] doesn’t need someone else’s Astral energy.
“Hah, you won’t escape this way!”, the Poltergeist laughs.