Meeting a Basilisk southwest from Tjolmar.
Baron of Hjaldorn in Rorwhed mountains.
Passing orc encampment near Lowangen
NPC talk about Svellt gods and demigods.
NPC talk about Svellt towns.
NPC talk about Svellt towns.
Item interaction messages.
Conversation termination messages.
The woman archer encounter.
The orcish encampment ecnounter.
The candy bear encounter.
Sudran Alatzer mercenaries.
Rockslide ambush encounter.
The otter gets caught in a snare.
The party gets lost near Gashok.
Broken cart encounter in Finsterkamm.
Trying to shoot a steppe cow.
A swarm of horseflies attack.
Climbing around landslide.
A moose riding lady encounter.
Attacking the bear cub encounter.
Archer with a two-hander.
A woman examining her socks.
Abandoned woodcutters camp with tools.
Hiding from the troop of 30 orcs.
Torn left boot encounter.
Dwarf hiding in the bushes with a crossbow.
Baron of Meresfeld and his horsemen encounter.